This section is setup for my Ham Shack and the Yaesu FT857D radio.
The history of the YAESU 857D that I have come to love, so much so that I have owned 4 of them and I think this last one will be my last one…
AUGUST 26, 2017 – I got myself a Yaesu 857D my first one. Pictures to follow.
LDG Tuner works great with it, also got the LDG FTL Meter add a little sparkle to the setup. Have it on a G5RV JR about
35ft off the ground.
FEBRUARY 24, 2021 – JANUARY 21, 2021, 6 year anniversary of getting my amateur radio license, a lot has happened since my last entry. To begin i ended up getting a Yaesu 857D. I had the same radio in 2017 but had to reluctantly get rid of it and experience my first sense of seller’s remorse. Well nevertheless i was on a mission to reacquire it again and finally thanks to a HAM OP on qrz i got it at a great price, bought it in 2020 December and when it got mailed to me it was 2020 of January thanks to the slow pokey USPS, so January 8th, it was mine! When i got it my hot little paws, the pictures speaks for itself, here is some pics and there is videos on the WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY YouTube channel.
While i had already been on a mission to reacquire it i got a LDG Antenna tuner prior to getting the radio, then to top it off i found a Yaesu MD-100 DESKTOP MIC to complete my setup. So now having it for more than 30 days and it was definitely worth the wait. Of course had to get a new G5RV antenna as well as a END FED 31FT Antenna. Finally finished the stages of grounding my station with both the RADIO and the ANTENNA tuner grounded with a bus bar and 8awg wire gpoing out to the ground rod connection outside my window just to be safe. I also integrated HAM RADIO DELUXE into my station via the data ports on the tuner which was a bit of a chore to do. In some of the pics you will se i have got my batteries hooked to it as well as a digital watt and power meter inline with Anderson Powerpoles.
APRIL 8, 2021 – Well after getting my YAESU FT-857D on January 8th 2021, 90 days later on April 8th, i sold my YAESU FT-857D and got it rehomed to make room for a YAESU FT-991A RADIO. The FY-991A should be here by Monday and i will post some pics of my new setup and hopefully that will be it for radios. I am sad to see the 857D go but what i payed for the 991A i could not pass up a great deal.
DECEMBER 30, 2022 – Well where do i start, as fate would have it i picked up another Yaesu 857D from a ham on QRZ very good price. This is my third Yaesu 857D that i have owned.
My first was in 2017 and then i got another one in 2021 sold that to make room for a Yaesu FT991A in 2022. So now here i am again with another one in January 2023. This is like NOS=NEW OLD STOCK.
After 3 of them i don’t think this one is going any where any time soon. She’s a keeper!
Here are a few pictures of the new additions to the ham shack.
OCTOBER 18, 2023 – Well here we are again, got the radio today. Took me less than 15 minutes to setup. Got it setup to the MFJ-939Y tuner and it works as it should. Glad to have it back in the shack again. A big Thank you goes out to the great hamfrom QRZ that sold me this one. Currently looking for another MFJ-939Y.
I will have pictures coming soon.
Been using it on the 33ft ef I have in front of the house…..of course inside im using it for a lot of POTA stations……….For a radio that is 22 years old and the fact to this day it is still in high demand only tells you how successful YAESU was when it built this radio. It was built to last and even after they released the YEASU FT-891 it still was not like the 857D radio. I am really glad I found this, had a hiccup in the begining but it seems to have worked itself out for the time being. Looking forward to really taking it in a field day like situation.
Would love to take it somewhere there is water and setup a station, whether it is with a EF Halfwave or a Vertical.
JUNE 20, 2024 – After a very long and hard look i finally found a new YAESU 857D HEAD UNIT, got it from RADIOWORLD UK, which it was $95.01 cheaper than buying from HRO. So i should get it by late next week. Looking forward to getting it and replacing the unit with the zebra stripe syndrome and i am sure i will appreciate the YAESU 857D even more so. Plus i picked up a LDG METER FOR THE YAESU 857D from a buyer on EBAY. So to say the least i have been upgrading my YAESU 857D.
UPDATE – JUNE 28, 2024 – Wow, RADIOWORD UK is the best, my new YAESU 857D head unit will be here today. I thought i would not see it until next week. Great job RADIOWORLD UK.
JULY 5, 2024 – Good news, sold my used YAESU 857D Head unit to a ham in Maine. He was very happy with it in its condition and it was nice to help out a fellow 857D user. It really made me appreciate the radio even more than i did. It will NEVER be mobile in a car.
One thing is for certain with the new head unit and it condition i am certain it will resale for a good penny, if i do decide to part with it.