World Amateur Radio Day 2023

World Amateur Radio Day 2023 – APRIL 18TH – 10AM EST/14.00UTC

ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference Server Node 531091.

AllStar node numbers 2585, 47918, 47620, 53130 and 53131.

DMR TGIF Talk Group 2585

Extended Freedom SIP Portal 2585

In celebration of World Amateur Radio Day, the IARU and its member-societies will be conducting a special two-week on-the-air event between the 11th and the 25th April.

Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts.

** From the 11th April until the 25th April, 2023 **

If you hear me (W2JLD) on 10 meters (28.405), 20 meters (14.313) or 40 meters (7.185) please check in with me and get yourself a special event qsl card.

In 2023 we are proud to announce that we have secured our original “W2W” Special event call sign, so make sure you stop by in 2023 and again help us celebrate WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY.

While 2023 will mark our 8th anniversary of this event, it also shows how much we as a group of like minded individuals who have made this hobby what it is today.
Come by the original WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY Celebration that started in 2015, I came up with an idea to recognize World Amateur Radio Day that no one else came up with while I was a net controller on another Echolink conference and after leaving that conference it was moved to another Echolink conference where it was welcomed with open arms and since 2015 the event has grown 10 fold. Now that I have my own Echolink Conference, the ROC-HAM, The special event now has a permanent home, where I will continue doing what I started in 2015.

World Amateur Radio Day 2023












World Amateur Radio Day 2023 - Scheduled Net Controllers

PDTEDTUTC Callsign Notes
0700 - 09001000 - 12001400 - 1600W2JLD JohnSpecial Event Coordinator for "WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY"
0900 - 11001200 - 14001600 - 18002W0KYH DeclanNet Control for SCARS & the Boredom Breaker Net
1100 - 13001400 - 16001800 - 2000GW8SZL DaveAdmin for SWDG, WALES, HAM, Website Designer for ROC-HAM, Net Controller for the Raspberry PI Net
1300 - 14001600 - 17002000 - 2100
GM0WUR GarethAdmin for the Extended Freedom Network
1400 - 15001700 - 18002100 - 2200GM0UUB GrahamAdmin & Net Control for the International Radio Network (IRN) KB1 Multimode Net
1500 - 16001800 - 19002200 - 2300MM7HQS HelenNet Control for the International Radio Network (IRN) KB1 Multimode Net
1600 - 17001900 - 20002300 - 0000W4RFJ RogerNet Control for SCARS
1700 - 18002000 - 21000000 - 0100KL4RCS RichFormer Net Control for Hedy Lamarr Day, WARD and the Alaska Morning Net
1800 - 19002100 - 22000100 - 0200W2JLD JohnSpecial Event Coordinator for "WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY"

We also utilize the program called NETLOGGER. If you do not have NETLOGGER, you can download it from NETLOGGER.ORG. It is free and it is available for the Linux, Mac and the Windows Operating Systems so that you can follow along with the Net and also make use of the AIM window which is the Almost Instant Messenger chat box also known as the Blue Screen.

World Amateur Radio Day

Every April 18, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on this day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris.  April 18th 2023 marks the 98th anniversary of the formation of the IARU in Paris

Amateur Radio experimenters were the first to discover that the short wave spectrum — far from being a wasteland — could support worldwide propagation. In the rush to use these shorter wavelengths, Amateur Radio was “in grave danger of being pushed aside,” the IARU’s history has noted. Amateur Radio pioneers met in Paris in 1925 and created the IARU to support Amateur Radio worldwide.

Just two years later, at the International Radiotelegraph Conference, Amateur Radio gained the allocations still recognized today — 160, 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters. Since its founding, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the frequency allocations for Amateur Radio. Thanks to the support of enlightened administrations in every part of the globe, radio amateurs are now able to experiment and communicate in frequency bands strategically located throughout the radio spectrum. From the 25 countries that formed the IARU in 1925, the IARU has grown to include 160 member-societies in three regions. IARU Region 1 includes Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Northern Asia. Region 2 covers the Americas, and Region 3 is comprised of Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific island nations, and most of Asia. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of Amateur Radio.

Today, Amateur Radio is more popular than ever, with more than 3,500,000 licensed operators!

World Amateur Radio Day is the day when IARU Member-Societies can show our capabilities to the public and enjoy global friendship with other Amateurs worldwide.

For the History of the IARU please visit:

Theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2023 Announced:  The International Amateur Radio Union announces that Human Security for All, HS4A, will be the theme of World Amateur Radio Day on 18 April 2023. April 18th 2023 marks the 98th anniversary of the formation of the IARU in Paris. For the first time, the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security and the World Academy of Art and Science are partnering with IARU in a campaign to highlight the role that amateur radio plays in addressing the world’s most pressing needs. Human Security measures security at the individual level. First introduced by the U.N. in 1994, the concept identifies seven interrelated dimensions of security that are essential to an individual’s well being: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political.  

The partners believe Amateur Radio is uniquely positioned to address people-centered, context-specific security challenges by promoting technical knowledge, practical skills, innovative technology, and the deployment of backup systems at the community level that can be called upon in times of emergency. The pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts on several continents undermine our security and respect no boundaries. Amateur Radio has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to address human security needs. It is a truly global communications medium comprising some three million radio enthusiasts connecting communities and the peoples of the world.

IARU, a federation of the national amateur radio societies of over 150 countries worldwide, is the global advocate for amateur radio through its Sector Membership in the International Telecommunication Union, an agency of the U.N., and other activities. In celebration of World Amateur Radio Day, IARU and its member-societies will be conducting a special two-week on-the-air event 11–25 April. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign.

No matter where WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY is celebrated, be part of something that’s bigger than all of us.

Come by the original WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY Celebration that started in 2015, I came up with an idea to recognize World Amateur Radio Day that no one else came up with while I was a net controller on another Echolink conference and after leaving that conference it was moved to another Echolink conference where it was welcomed with open arms and since 2015 the event has grown 10 fold. Now that I have my own Echolink Conference, the ROC-HAM, The special event now has a permanent home, where I will continue doing what I started in 2015.

Fast forward 8 years later………….

This special event is put on to bring people together, celebrate and explore the world of amateur radio. Have great fellowships, makes friends, learn new things, whether your special event is a large one or a small one its all about celebrating amateur radio. So make sure you stop by to one of the LARGEST special event on VOIP/Echolink on the *ROC-HAM* Echolink conference node 531091 and on Allstar nodes 2585, 47918, 47620, 53130, 53131

Let’s make this special event huge, support “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY” and see if we can break the record, you have 12 hours to do so.

Last year we brought together over 500 ham radio operators, many of them from all over the world connecting via different modes, many from different cultures.


DON/ANCHOR: It’s the QSO Party to end all other QSO parties: World Amateur Radio Day, April 18th, the day amateurs participate in a global celebration of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union. Be listening on HF as the IARU and its member societies get on the air with special events through the 25th of April. There will be more than 50 special event stations around the world with callsigns ending in W A R D, for World Amateur Radio Day. They include TM98WARD, 9Y4WARD, OT23WARD and a host of others.

Here in the States and over in the UK, the ROC-HAM Radio Network is contributing to the festivities by hosting a 12-hour birthday net. Listen for John W2JLD and Dave GW8SZL who will be marking the occasion on the VOIP/ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091, as well as various Allstar Nodes, the DMR TGIF Talk Group 2585 and Extended Freedom SIP Portal 2585. John will be on the air during that time too, operating on 10, 20 and 40 metres, using the callsign W2W.

For more details, visit


The International Amateur Radio Union announces that Human Security for All, HS4A, will be the theme of World Amateur Radio Day on 18 April 2023. For the first time, the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security and the World Academy of Art and Science are partnering with IARU in a campaign to highlight the role that amateur radio plays in addressing the world’s most pressing needs.

Human Security measures security at the individual level. First introduced by the U.N. in 1994, the concept identifies seven interrelated dimensions of security that are essential to an individual’s wellbeing: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political.

The partners believe Amateur Radio is uniquely positioned to address people-centered, context-specific security challenges by promoting technical knowledge, practical skills, innovative technology, and the deployment of backup systems at the community level that can be called upon in times of emergency. The pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts on several continents undermine our security and respect no boundaries. Amateur Radio has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to address human security needs. It is a truly global communications medium comprising some three million radio enthusiasts connecting communities and the peoples of the world.

IARU, a federation of the national amateur radio societies of over 150 countries worldwide, is the global advocate for amateur radio through its Sector Membership in the International Telecommunication Union, an agency of the U.N., and other activities. In celebration of World Amateur Radio Day, IARU and its member-societies will be conducting a special two-week on-the-air event 11–25 April. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign. For more information, please visit the HS4A site.

Human Security measures security at the individual level. First introduced by the U.N. in 1994, the concept identifies seven interrelated dimensions of security that are essential to an individual’s wellbeing: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political.

The partners believe Amateur Radio is uniquely positioned to address people-centered, context-specific security challenges by promoting technical knowledge, practical skills, innovative technology, and the deployment of backup systems at the community level that can be called upon in times of emergency. The pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts on several continents undermine our security and respect no boundaries. Amateur Radio has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to address human security needs. It is a truly global communications medium comprising some three million radio enthusiasts connecting communities and the peoples of the world.

IARU, a federation of the national amateur radio societies of over 150 countries worldwide, is the global advocate for amateur radio through its Sector Membership in the International Telecommunication Union, an agency of the U.N., and other activities. In celebration of World Amateur Radio Day, IARU and its member-societies will be conducting a special two-week on-the-air event 11–25 April. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign. For more information, please visit the HS4A site.

pecial Theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2023

The International Amateur Radio Union announces that Human Security for All, HS4A, will be the theme of World Amateur Radio Day on 18 April 2023. For the first time, the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security and the World Academy of Art and Science are partnering with IARU in a campaign to highlight the role that amateur radio plays in addressing the world’s most pressing needs.

Human Security measures security at the individual level. First introduced by the U.N. in 1994, the concept identifies seven interrelated dimensions of security that are essential to an individual’s wellbeing: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political.

The partners believe Amateur Radio is uniquely positioned to address people-centered, context-specific security challenges by promoting technical knowledge, practical skills, innovative technology, and the deployment of backup systems at the community level that can be called upon in times of emergency. The pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts on several continents undermine our security and respect no boundaries. Amateur Radio has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to address human security needs. It is a truly global communications medium comprising some three million radio enthusiasts connecting communities and the peoples of the world.

IARU, a federation of the national amateur radio societies of over 150 countries worldwide, is the global advocate for amateur radio through its Sector Membership in the International Telecommunication Union, an agency of the U.N., and other activities. In celebration of World Amateur Radio Day, IARU and its member-societies will be conducting a special two-week on-the-air event 11–25 April. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign. For more information, please visit the HS4A site.

 So make sure you stop by check in with all the net controllers and grab a special event qsl card. We will also have a live stream on the original WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY YouTube channel…..

UPDATE – APRIL 21,2023 – For those that have indicated yu want a qsl card with the net controller you chcked in with, be sure to do the S.A.S.E. option or the PAYPAL option.

In 2023 we are proud to announce we will have a special event call sign “W2W” that has been secured for this event. As well as we will have a commemorative special event “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2023” QSL Card. We will have a 12 hour net with 9 different net controllers from all over the world, as always we will have a special event QSL Card that you can obtain via a S.A.S.E., W2JLD/JOHN DERYCKE, 85 AMHERST ST APT2, ROCHESTER,NY.14607. If you are getting more than one qsl card make sure you adhere the proper postage to your S.A.S.E.

We also do international requests, so don’t be afraid to ask for a card, and There are more than enough special event qsl cards to go around so check in with each net controllers and get a card, remember if your getting more than 1 card make sure you have proper postage on your S.A.S.E.

If you do not want to do the S.A.S.E. option you can donate $6.00 usd to cover postage and handling cost to my PayPal account at

If you are using the paypal method ,please indicate your callsign and if are looking to get more than one qsl card please add 2.00$ to cover additional postage and handling cost.

VOIP/ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091
18 – 19 April 14:00 – 02:00 UTC (10AM EDT-10PM EDT) via VOIP/ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091/Allstar #2585,47918,47620, 53130, 53131. W2JLD, GW8SZL, 2W0KYH, GM0WUR, GM0UUB, MM7HQS, W4RFJ and KL4RCS as Net Controllers. Special event callsign W2W. All stations from around the world are encouraged to check in. Special event qsl Card will be available via S.A.S.E. for more info goto