Thank you for checking out my page. A little about myself. I took my test for the technician license in January 17,2015 which was on my birthday and on January 21, 2015 I got my license and have not looked back.

I love this hobby so many things to explore. 


I’m running a KENWOOD TM-215A HT with a DAIWA 30 WATT LINEAR AMPLIFIER attached to it and that is mounted to a home brew J-pole antenna which is attached to my air vent pipe. I constructed that out of copper pipe and some fittings. (Copied a design i saw on the internet)., My first shot at a home brew antenna and after doing some SWR readings it was working perfect 1:1 SWR so i was very pleased with that project.

I also run an ECHOLINK NODE W2JLD-L – #449388-147.555MHZ /PL 114.8 which consist of a Wouxon KG-UV899 Radio and that on the lowest wattage setting and Cables linked to a Acer Laptop 2.0 MHz. Its a nice little setup to get me  around town.                                                           

My hobbies are Photography, I am the official CLEVELAND BROWNS Photographer here in Rochester for the CLEVELAND BROWNS BACKERS CLUB. I traveled the NASCAR circuit from 1999-2004 (WWW.DERYCKEMOTORSPORTS.COM) as an independent photographer crossing all states on the east coast as well as a few states on the west coast., I have a bachelors degree in computer science and networking, I have been doing taxes for over30 years. I really enjoy spending quality time with my 8 yr old son and I built him his own website to see his progression thru life.

Amateur radio has so much to offer for everyone and ive realized that with so much out there, one can never be bored. Looking forward to getting my general by 2017.

This hobby has really opened alot of new windows where before they were closed.



UPDATE August 4, 2015 – Received a “Good Operator Report”card in the mail today from an “A.R.R.L. OFFICIAL OBSERVER” – Steve Agee, N5ZUA,Houston,TX. In which he heard me as Net Controller on July 31,2015 and the card says it all!



UPDATE August 7, 2015 – Spent 2 hours putting my 2m home brew j-pole on the vent near the roof, using nylon tie wrap i have used them before and proved very good till i can get a clamp of some sort. but the good news after i put it up i hit a repeater 85 miles away. So another testament as to the ingenuity of ones self if you want something bad enough you’ll find a way to achieve it.

UPDATE – August 11,2015 – Installed “CQ100” Software. Using it is very easy. Made several contacts. Amazing how you can chat with amateur opeartors from all over the world. Cant wait till i get my HF Rig.

UPDATE – August 15-16,2015 – INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE/LIGHTSHIP WEEKEND…..This event has been gong on since 1995 and it highlights all of the light house/lightship from all around the world.

I went on the 15th of August at Charlotte beach lighthouse and I had a great time talked to other ham radio operators…made a qso with a local ham that was there transmitting and ended up getting a special event qsl card  and I thought that was pretty neat…Had a good time listening to how they do a fox hunt. here are a few pics of the event and the charlotte beach lighthouse


UPDATE – September 9, 2015 – Submitted my vanity call sigh to the FCC, Awaiting action. – September 29, 2015 FCC Officially granted my new call sign W2JLD

UPDATE – January 14,2016 – Created new qsl card for me and also created a few for other ham radio operator,WH6DWF, N2HEG, KM4OOC,



Here are some examples of ones I have created…….


UPDATE – January 21, 2016 – 1 Year anniversary of getting my amateur radio license, looking for to getting my general this year.


UPDATE – February 7, 2016 – Installed a 10 meter diplole on the back of the house, which was relatively easy.

UPDATE – March 16, 2016 – I ended up getting a ICOM-V8000/75WATT, Mono band radio.

Hooked it upto my homebrew j-pole antenna and on my first transmission i got a repeater that was more than 100 miles away, couldnt even hit that repeater on my Kenwood rig. Its a nice addition to my ever increasing ham shack.


UPDATE – April 6, 2016World Continents Award#12511
Granted: 2016-04-06 10:40:02   (W2JLD)


  • 2 Meters Mixed

UPDATE April 19, 2016 – The WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY was a huge success, we managed to get: 310 CHECKINS, 158 QSL CARD REQUEST, 32 FOREIGN STATION, 11 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES.

It was the largest net ever on echolink for a special event…..I want to thank everyone that participated in this event, without you it would have never been possible. 

I would like to thank: WH6DWF – TODD, VO1UKZ – DARRYLL N0STY – NASTYKM4OOC – MIKE for their support and dedication for this event….Great job to everyone whom participated.  We will be doing this again in 2017…So stay tuned for further details.


UPDATE – July 19, 2016 – Please check out this podcast from a WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET checkin W4ADL.

He was interviewed for for a podcast about Hams with Disabilities.

Here is an excerpt from the website.

“Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio Podcast! In this episode we are going to be talking with Christopher LaRue, W4ADL about Hams with Disabilities. Chris is a visually impaired amateur radio operator just recently passed his Extra Class test. We talk about some of the challenges that he has and about some ideas that can be done by all of us”

Check out the IRLP website for information about IRLP.

  • IRLP 9251 – *World* – world net on echolink.
    • Gives questions from questions pools 8-9 est
    • Paranormal net 9-10 est
    • John -W2JLD – Net Manager.


UPDATE – August 5, 2016- Received a KENWOOD TH-215A OUT FIT,Included was a charger and radio and battery and antenna and dc power cord as well as ac adapter.

UPDATE – August 20-21,2016 – INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE/LIGHTSHIP WEEKEND…..This event has been going on since 1995 and it highlights all of the light house/lightship from all around the world.

 Check out this website for more info on the GENESSEE LIGHT HOUSE:

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2016

August 20 & 21, 2016


Charlotte – Genesee Lighthouse

Rochester, New York

K2R – ILLW is sponsored by the Rochester Amateur Radio Association

For QSL cards from K2R:

  • Please send your QSL card
  • US – SASE to the above address
  • International – please send $2 plus SAE to the above address
  • No LoTW or eQSL for K2R


UPDATE – October 16, 2016Grid Squared Award#14114
Granted: 2016-10-17 00:28:16   (W2JLD)


        2 Meters Mixed


UPDATE – November 29,2016ECHOLINK NODE W2JLD-L – #449388-147.420MHZ /PL 114.8 is up and running here in ROCHESTER,NY. -The node consist of a Wouxon KG-UV899 with a custom made cable, hooked up to a 30 watt diawa amplifier from ebay for 50$….The thing is a work horse.

Waiting on my cable for the icom v8000 radio so i can have 2 echolink nodes running……im sure when i do get them ill def have to make my icom is at med-low power.

Be sure to stop by if your in the ROCHESTER NY area……..youll hear different nets transmitting


UPDATE – December 31,2016ECHOLINK NODE W2JLD-L – #449388-147.555MHZ /PL 114.8 is up and running here in ROCHESTER,NY. –

The node consist of a Icom -V8000 with a custom made cable, hooked up.

I have the power setting when im home at 5watts and then when im out and out around rochester ill do 25watts……..

I had to change frequency because of a simplex qso that was going on 35 miles away and it was causing interference,so it moved it to a more suitable frequecy.

The node is now complete and it sounds and works fine. I am very happy with the new upgrade,no longer using my Wouxon radio,now i can travel with that.

Be sure to stop by if your in the ROCHESTER NY area……..youll hear different nets transmitting.


UPDATE – January 21, 2017 – 2 Year anniversary of getting my amateur radio license, looking for to getting my general this year, I better get it this year!!!

I have to make sure i can transmit other than 6m and 10m. With the rig below I want to use it to its full potential.


UPDATE – February 8,2017 – Just got my new hf rig…..I ended up getting a KENWOOD TS480SAT……


Well i must say this is a fine piece of machinery…..I have spent all day and im sure more days will come getting aquainted with this rig.

made my first contact on 10m to N2TOX…So it was gret to hear him out. This works like a charm……NOW TO GET MY GENERAL!!



UPDATE – March 10,2017 – Just put out a PRESS RELEASE regarding WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2017

World Radio Network/World Friendship Net Announces World Amateur Radio Day 2017

For the 3rd straight year special event.

Rochester, NY., March 10, 2017:  THE WORLD RADIO NETWORK and THE WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET today announced that for the 3rd straight year, we will be participating in WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2017 ON VOIP/ECHOLINK on the WORLD CONFERENCE SERVER/IRLP 9251. APRIL 18TH  2017. We are part of NARRI/Nevada amateur radio repeaters, inc. Kent Johnson/W7AOR is the primary trustee of this organization.

A positive participation contributed to the success of the 2016 event. We recorded over 300 check ins, 33 international stations checked in, 18 different countries. The net ran for 10 hours with 5 different net controllers doing 2 hour shifts. We also had a special event qsl card that was available upon request. We were happy to announce that last year’s net was the LARGEST event on VOIP/ECHOLINK.

As Net Manager for the THE WORLD RADIO NETWORK and THE WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET none of this could have happened if not for the over 300 check ins and great net controllers who took time out of their day and contributed time for this event. W2JLD-John, Sysop for the Western reflector, Net Manger for the World Radio Network and The World Friendship Net, KM400C – Mike, Assistant Net Manager for The World Radio Network and The World Friendship Net. WH6DWF – Todd, System admin for the western reflector, N7HVN – Cathy, NCS for WORLD RADIO NETWORK, N0STY -Nasty, Net Manager for the morning net on FRIENDS Conference server.

So please join us again as we celebrate amateur radio all around the world on APRIL 18TH at 16:00 UTC  (12 NOON EST, 9AM PST) via ECHOLINK on the “World” Conference server (IRLP 9251) for the 3rd annual special event as we celebrate WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2017. We will again have a special event QSL card available upon request. We will have a 10 hour net with 5 different net controllers from all over the world.


World Radio Network: Special WARD IRLP/ECHOLINK Net
16:00 -17:30 (12 NOON EST, 9AM PST) UTC via the World Conference server (IRLP 9251) W2JLD, Net Control. Stations around the world are encouraged to check in.

World Friendship Net: Special WARD IRLP/ECHOLINK Net
00:00 – 01:30 (8PM EST, 5 PM PST) UTC via the World Conference Server (IRLP 9251)
W2JLD and KM4OOC, WH6DWF, Net Control. Stations around the world are encouraged to check in.







UPDATE – March 12,2017 – Just got finished doing a Skype interview with Hap Holly,Creator of The R.A.I.N. report. The RADIO AMATEUR INFORMATION NETWORK serves the ham radio community with news and information regarding ham radio activities all over the world. Hap asked several questions regarding WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY, April 18 2017. The R.A.I.N. report can be heard on the *FRIENDS* Conference server/irlp9618. Be sure to check out that conference.

UPDATE – March 25,2017 – Just got finished doing a SKYPE interview with Caryn Eve Murray – editor/report for AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE. We talked about how I got involved with WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY, I told here it was started 3 years ago and it has grown. She asked several other questions, the interview lasted for over 20 minutes and will air on the 258th episode of amateur radio newsline april 7th 2017.

Be sure to listen to up coming episodes on AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE,a new episode airs every fri on the newsline conference server and can be heard on multiple conferences.

This is an excerpt of the AMATUER RADIO NEWSLINE REPORT 256 RELEASED Fri,March 24 2017.


PAUL/ANCHOR: If it feels like the whole world is on the air on April 18th, perhaps that’s because hams are marking World Radio Day. What’s that? Amateur Radio Newsline’s Jason Daniels VK2LAW explains.

JASON: If propagation is good, your signal is getting through and the QSL cards are filling up your mailbox, you might feel like every day is World Amateur Radio Day. Officially however this once-a-year event takes place on April 18th, the date in 1925 marking the formation of the International Amateur Radio Union in Paris. So if you feel you’re in need of a special occasion to operate, this is the one.

World Amateur Radio Day is set aside for IARU members to show public pride in being a radio operator by contacting hams worldwide as a gesture of global friendship. The Bahrain Amateur Radio Group will operate for several days as A91WARD with a special QSL card for the event. The Puerto Rico Field Day Group will be on the air on Amateur Radio Day itself as KP4FD. Australia’s Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Club will be operating for three days as VK2EWC.

For the third consecutive year, the World Friendship Net will also be part of the action. The net is operating on ECHOLINK conference server *WORLD* and IRLP node 9251. Last year it logged more than 300 check-ins from 33 international stations and 18 different countries during its 10 hours of operation, making it the largest event on VOIP/ECHOLINK.

For Amateur Radio Newsline I’m Jason Daniels VK2LAW”


UPDATE – April 7,2017 – 

This is an excerpt of the AMATUER RADIO NEWSLINE REPORT 258 RELEASED Fri,April 7 2017.


NEIL/ANCHOR: Finally, we’ve already told you about World Amateur Radio Day on Tuesday, April 18. It’s an on-air celebration of the day the International Amateur Radio Union was created in Paris. But even if you can’t join everyone on the HF bands, you don’t have to feel left out. Amateur Radio Newsline’s Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT explains.

CARYN’S REPORT: Hams won’t necessarily have to find themselves somewhere between 160 and 10 meters to mark World Amateur Radio Day. Find them instead on the World Friendship Net, which operates on VOIP/EchoLink on the Western Reflector using IRLP node 9251 of the Nevada Amateur Radio Repeaters group. Organizer John DeRycke W2JLD of Rochester, New York says he expects things to get busy.

JOHN: We first started this net three years ago. I was the only person doing it and we were doing it on the World Conference Server. The following year I got a hold of the conference server owners and system administrators and told them what I wanted to do and they were all on board. Now, in the third year, we have eight conference servers that are going to be hooked up. There will be multiple repeaters and links. I have contaced several ham radio media outlets to promote World Amateur Radio Day. So this event is our flagship event over on the World Conference Server.

CARYN: John believes ham radio’s spirit of friendship translates into giving access to amateurs who ordinarily might be left out. This effort is inclusive: Hams who aren’t on HF – or can’t be on HF – can still get in on the action.

JOHN: We get a wide variety of connections but EchoLink certainly provides a platform as an introductory platform, especially for those who can’t afford an HF rig or dont have the money to have an antenna. We have had people that checked in that are in health care facilities that can’t bring in an HF rig or an HT, so for them to use EchoLink, it really provides an ability for them to get out there and hit that Push to Talk Key.

CARYN: He said last year there were more than 300 check-ins from 33 international stations during its 10 hours on the air for World Amateur Radio Day.

JOHN: It’s just been so successful, I don’t know what I’m going to do next year.

CARYN: The spirit of global friendship is alive and well, especially on April 18 — and especially on Echolink World Conference Server 479886 or IRLP Node 9251. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I’m Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT.

UPDATE – April 12,2017 –  WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY UPDATE!!!! – It has been confirmed now that we will have the following conferences linked up for WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY on The *WORLD* conference server on VOIP/ECHOLINK.

We will have these conferences linked so be sure to check into: WORLD, FRIENDS, SCARS, STARLINK, HAMLINKR, HANDIHAMS, N0LP, DODROPIN, HI-GATE, THE GUILD.

Here is the lineup of net controllers for WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY on APRIL 18TH at 12 noon est-10pm est(16:00 utc – 02:00 utc)

12noon-2pm – W2JLD – John – Rochester,NY- Sysop for the western reflector and Net manager for the WORLD CONFERENCE SERVER

2pm – 4pm – WH6DWF – Todd – Honolulu,Hawaii – System admin for the western reflector,starlink

4pm – 6pm – VO1UKZ – Daryyll – Newfoundland,Cananda – Sytem admin for DODROPIN

6pm – 8pm – KM4OOC – Mike – Lignite,ND – Asst. Net manager for the WORLD CONFERENCE SERVER

8pm – 10pm – KD8TBC – Lee – Hazel Park,MI – Net controller for the WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET

10pm -12am – N0STY – Nasty – Colorado – Admin for *FRIENDS* CONFERENCE SERVER

I’d like to thank all the System administrators and the sysops for their cooperation and linking up for WORLD AMATUER RADIO DAY.This event will celebrate amateur radio as we know it and this will bring everyone together for fellowship and friendship.PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECKIN AND REQUST A SPECIAL EVENT QSL CARD. Remember to send me a S.A.S.E.(SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE) and ill be sure to get it in the mail. Be sure to show your participation on WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY by getting a 1 of a kind t-shirt….These t-shirts are very good quality and are only 20.00$……They are available in WHITE/NATURAL/ASH…..In sizes small/medium/large-xlarge.

Also I want to thank KENT JOHNSON – W7AOR of the”NEVEDA AMATEUR RADIO REPEATERS INC” in LAS VEGAS,NV. for providing us with this wonderful platform to put on these nets and specail events.

Of course I want to thank each and everyone of you who took time out of your day to checkin with us on WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY on APRIL 18TH,2017 AT 12noon est. Also the WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY celebration can be heard on BROADCASTIFY…..I want to thank N0STY – Nasty for linking up the WORLD AMATUER RADIO DAY celebration to BROADCASTIFY for those whom are not licensed.


Again for the 3rd straight year it was the largest net ever on ECHOLINK for a special event…..I want to thank everyone that participated in this event, without you it would have never been possible.  I would like to thank: WH6DWF – TODDVO1UKZ – DARRYLL N0STY – NASTYKM4OOC – MIKE KD8TBC – LEE for their support and dedication for this event….Great job to everyone whom participated.  We will be doing this again in 2018…So stay tuned for further details.

UPDATE – May 11, 2017 – United States Counties Award#6546
Granted: 2017-05-11 14:02:02   (W2JLD)


  • 100 Counties Mixed


UPDATE – August 26,2017 – Got myself a Yaesu 857D my first one. Pictures too follow

LDG Tuner works great with it, also got the LDG FTL Meter add a little sparkle to the setup. Have it on a G5RV JR about 35ft off the ground.



UPDATE – September 13, 2017 – In light of recent natural events that has happened in FLORIDA and PUERTO RICO and THE VIRGIN ISLES . Here is some great info about the ARRL role in this…PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT ANY HELP IS BETTER THAN NO HELP:


Help the Ham Aid Response Effort in Florida and the US Virgin Islands


Due to this busy hurricane season, ARRL’s inventory of Ham Aid kits has been severely depleted. ARRL’s Ham Aid program loans Amateur Radio equipment kits to established ARES and partner agencies during disaster response, in order to establish Amateur Radio communications support.

ARRL has been supplying Ham Aid kits for the Hurricane Irma emergency response efforts in Florida and the US Virgin Islands. Thanks to Tim Duffy, K3LR, of DX Engineering, for quickly processing ARRL’s purchase of six HF transceivers, which enabled Ham Aid to respond within 24 hours to an equipment request from the US Virgin Islands. ARRL used FEMA resources for shipping, and the gear is on its way via contracted courier to San Juan, Puerto Rico, where it will be staged for deployment.

More Ham Aid equipment is needed for future requests. Please help ARRL in this effort by contributing to the Ham Aid Fund, which is used to purchase new equipment as well as to refurbish/repair previously deployed equipment. Your contributions to Ham Aid are 100% tax deductible. To make a donation online, go to and select “Ham Aid” from the ARRL donation form. To donate by mail, follow the instructions on the web page, noting “Ham Aid” on the memo line of your check.

The Ham Aid Fund was created in 2005 in response to the need for equipment and resources to support the Amateur Radio response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. Ham Aid equipment is available on loan to Amateur Radio organizations during disaster response when communications equipment is unavailable. 


As Amateur Radio operators prepared for Hurricane Harvey and Irma, the ARRL deployed complete radio stations comprised of industry-donated Amateur Radio equipment, thanks to the generosity contributions of ARRL members to the Ham Aid Fund. Created in 2005 to assist with the response to Hurricane Katrina, the Ham Aid Fund is designated to fund Amateur Radio equipment needed for disaster response, including the shipping of equipment to affected-areas. In preparation for Hurricane Gustav, ARRL received requests for radio equipment from Louisiana and Texas. The shipping costs for this equipment were covered by the Ham Aid Fund.

According to Assistant Manager of the Member and Volunteer Programs Department Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, several kits were shipped to Louisiana; Fusaro is handling Ham Aid requests during Hurricane Harvery and Irma. “We sent three HF kits, 3 VHF/UHF kits and a combination kit complete with HF, VHF and handheld transceiver to the Florida Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) facility in Miami, as well as four VHF/UHF base antennas and a support box that included coax, rope, wire antennas and connectors.” Fusaro also said that a 600 W amplifier was sent to Florida to be used at the Emergency Operations Center there, and an HF radio was sent to Joel Colman, NO5FD, replacing his rig that was damaged during set up at the firehouse.

“To me, these Go Kits ramp up ARRL’s ability to support Amateur Radio volunteers in the field when the next big disaster hits,” said ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH. “They won’t replace or supplant anything that’s already on the ground and working well, but the kits will strengthen it and add flexibility to Amateur Radio’s overall response capabilities.”

In setting up these Go Kits, League staffers consulted with volunteers who were in the field during Hurricane Harvey to find out what gear served them best or what they wished they’d had but didn’t. The Go Kits, stowed in rugged, waterproof Pelican 1650 containers, enable the League to loan out needed equipment on a moment’s notice. “The idea is that this makes it easy to ship,” explains Fusaro, “and since they’re less than 50 pounds apiece, they can be shipped by air.”

The HF Kit contains a 100 W HF transceiver, a tuner and antenna, a microphone and a power supply. The VHF/UHF Kit includes a dualband mobile transceiver, power supply, headset, 10 handheld transceivers and a supply of alkaline batteries. In the Handheld Transceiver Kit are eight dualband handheld transceivers and antennas, plus a stock of extra batteries. The Support Kit includes a length of BuryFlex 213 coaxial cable, rope, 15 foot jumper cables with battery clamps at one end and an Anderson Powerpole on the other. The kit includes various fittings and adapters to connect to the power distribution unit and to make RF feed line connections. All kits contain any necessary manuals.

Hobart said it’s imperative to sustain and enhance ham radio’s emergency communication capabilities for the future: “Disasters happen to be one place Amateur Radio can shine,” she pointed out. “We need to maintain a high level of readiness to do those things that are second nature to ARES® members, but that the public is just coming to recognize.” Making the Go Kits available to ARES teams, Hobart said, will help to cement Amateur Radio’s position as a community resource. “We want to be able to ensure that we have the personnel and the equipment,” she said. “With a disaster of any magnitude, we need to be ready.”

Since the arrival of Harvey and Irma, Hobart said that the Ham Aid fund has been depleted. “With more storms on the horizon, the ARRL is seeking member contributions to rebuild the Ham Aid Fund. This vital lifeline of resources to support the ARRL Field Organization and Amateur Radio Volunteers will benefit from the renewed generosity of radio amateurs.” Contributions in any amount can be made online.


UPDATE – November 9, 2017 –  HEDY LAMARR DAY 2017

For the 2nd straight year on the *WORLD* Conference server, ECHOLINK NODE #479886/IRLP 9251.
THE WORLD RADIO NETWORK is proud to announce that on NOVEMBER 9TH 2017
We will be celebrating HEDY LAMARR DAY 2017.
This special event net will be on at 9am pst/12noon est, (0500 UTC)
Help us celebrate her accomplishments and of course her 103rd Birthday.
As we celebrate here technological advancements in ham radio and
of course her silver screen roles in many movies she did throughout her career.
Join us and have fun and check in to the World Radio Network on Echolink or IRLP.
We will have at least 3 yl’s to cover the net which will run 3 hours or longer depending on the number of checkins.
Also we will have the *FRIENDS Conference server
and the *HANDIHAM* Conference server connected for this special event
(more conference servers will be recruited to join us for this event).
More details will follow!!! Please check the website for further updates.
Speaking of checking in, a SPECIAL event QSL Card will be available upon request.
Just tell the net controller and they will put you down for one
and of course to obtain your special event QSL Card.
Send a S.A.S.E. (self addressed stamped envelope) to W2JLD, address is good on qrz.

In 2016 we had a very successful event.

Please join us in celebrating the technical accomplishments of a very talented yl, whom without her inventions, we would not have Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or gps. We will have the DODROPIN, STARLINK, WORLD, UK HUB, FRIENDS. We will have a couple of yl’s to be net controllers.

So be sure to put that day aside and join us.
We had 94 checkins and 34 QSL cards sent out last year. We hope to have an even greater participation in 2017.

This is last years QSL card (no watermark on the ones sent out).

UPDATE – November 10, 2017 – We had 104 checkins and 40 QSL cards and 3 international stations. We look forward to our 3rd year celebrating HEDY LAMARR DAY 2018.


UPDATE – November 18, 2017 – Please join me on the EAST COAST REFLECTOR/IRLP 9050 on Saturdays at 12 noon EST/9am pst for the “9050 EAST COAST REFLECTOR MIDDAY NET”.

The net will be a topic and or question based net. I look forward to hearing all of you checking in. We will also cover the happens on other reflectors and specail events station.

Of course check out on TUESDAYS at 8pm est/5pm pst the EAST COAST REFLECTOR/IRLP 9050 “TECH NET” with your host WB2JPQ/Dick Laing.

For more info on the EAST COAST REFLECTOR go to their website at and for more info on IRLP go to



UPDATE – February 3, 2018 –  ARRL Now Offering New “Radio and Wireless Technology” Patch Program for Girl Scouts06/14/2016

The ARRL has begun offering a new Girl Scouts “Radio and Wireless Technology” patch program that offers opportunities for participants to learn about wireless technology, including Amateur Radio. Scout leaders and Amateur Radio volunteers associated with the Greater Atlanta Girl Scout Council, and Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains developed the program to incorporate information and exploratory activities that provide a backdrop for understanding radio communication. The program will encourage Girl Scouts to take on activities in which they will gain knowledge and skills, as well as kindle an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects and careers.

“The initiative for the program came about through my conversations with hams who wanted to work with Girl Scouts as well as Boy Scouts and wanted a patch program that would introduce ham radio, as the ‘Radio’ merit badge does in the Boy Scouts,” said ARRL Education Services Manager Debra Johnson, K1DMJ. “I was introduced to a group of leaders with Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta who wanted to work in developing a new fun patch program for radio that would fit with the Girl Scout Leadership Experience structure. This group was joined by Jill Galus, KB1SWV, of the Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains in New Hampshire. We collaborated on this over the course of several years.” Galus’s father, “Skip” Youngberg, K1NKR, and a team from the Nashoba Valley Radio Club helped test drive the new patch program during “Thinking Day on the Air” this past February with Girl Scouts in Raymond, New Hampshire.

The program defines the requirements for Girl Scouts to earn the patch at the Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador levels. Girl Scouts can learn the fundamentals of radio communication and wireless technology from broadcasting to smartphones and apply what they learn to connect people, provide safety, and explore related careers. In addition to acquiring the fundamentals, participants can explore radio science through hands-on learning with Amateur Radio, and use radio to talk around the world and for public service. They also can learn about the role of wireless technology in everyday life and in careers.

The program supports the Girl Scout Leadership Experience by enabling participants to discover, by exploring the natural world to learn about radio communications and wireless technologies; to connect by using knowledge of wireless technology to understand its capabilities and its limitations, and by becoming an informed citizen who understands how wireless technologies are regulated and used, and to take action to make a difference in their communities by making friends through radio contacts, providing public service and emergency communication, and raising awareness of career opportunities.


Radio and Wireless Technology Patch Program

Radio and Wireless Technology Patch

Girl Scouts can learn fundamentals of radio communication and wireless technology and take action in their communities to apply communications to connect people, provide safety, and explore related careers.

  • Learn the fundamentals of wireless communication
  • Explore radio science through hands-on learning with Amateur Radio
  • Use radio communication to talk around the world and for public service and safety
  • Learn how wireless technology is used in everyday life and in careers

As part of this program, Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to learn about Amateur Radio (also known as “ham” radio) and do hands-on activities with Amateur Radio. They can also learn about broadcast radio, emergency and public service communications, and explore ways wireless technologies are used in everyday life and in the workplace.

They will be encouraged to take on activities that engage, educate, and empower them and kindle an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) subjects and careers.

The program supports the Girl Scout Leadership Development Program by enabling the following goals for girls:

  • DiscoverExplore the natural world to learn about radio communications and wireless technologies.
  • Connect — Use knowledge of wireless technology to understand its capabilities and its limitations. Be an informed citizen who understands how wireless technologies are regulated and used.
  • Take Action— Make a difference in their communities by making friends through radio contacts, providing public service and emergency communications, and raising awareness of career opportunities.

Here is the link for the RADIO and WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY PATCH –

Girl Scouts and Guides “Thinking Day on the Air” Generates Enthusiasm for Ham Radio


Skip Youngberg, K1NKR; Bill Machia, WM3N, and Dudley Allen, KD0NMD, were among those sponsoring World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides’ “Thinking Day on the Air” (TDOTA) events in February that enjoyed enthusiastic participation. “Thinking Day,” officially February 22, commemorates the birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scout and Guide movements, as well as that of his wife, Olave, who was the first World Chief Guide.

“Talk about excitement, exhilaration, and satisfaction!” said Youngberg, an ARRL Life Member who got involved in TDOTA through his daughter Jill Galus, KB1SWV. She enlisted his club, the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club (NVARC), to conduct an event in New Hampshire 3 years ago. This year, the NVARC set up in Shirley, Massachusetts, and in Raymond, New Hampshire.

TDOTA traces its heritage to Radio Scouter Les Mitchell, G3BHK (SK), who originated Jamboree on The Air (JOTA) in 1957 and initiated TDOTA about 25 years ago, Youngberg said.

On February 18 in Shirley, Youngberg and his NVARC compatriots introduced 41 Scouts and 15 leaders to world time, phonetics, Morse code, and — perhaps most important — getting on the air. The next day, the NVARC crew packed up and did the same for a similar group in Raymond, where 26 Scouts and 10 leaders “honed their communications experience,” Youngberg said.

Youngberg said the Shirley gathering snagged 25 contacts, including eight DX stations. The New Hampshire demonstrations managed 42 contacts, 23 of them “CW DX demonstration” contacts made during the ARRL International DX Contest.

Youngberg credited the Girl Scout organizers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire with “bravely treading into the unknown,” and said they’re already talking about TDOTA 2018.

In Maryland, Bill Machia, WM3N, got to thinking about getting Girl Scouts involved in ham radio. He wondered if the Amateur Radio community was missing out on an opportunity.

“I agreed to give a presentation to the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland on Girl Scout Thinking Day,” Machia told ARRL, who focused on generating excitement and interest in ham radio. “As I researched my presentation, I found ARRL had a patch for Girl Scouts, Radio & Wireless Technology. This meant they could go home with an accomplishment patch.”

Machia said he never expected the level of interest that developed. When the head count reached 75, Scout leaders decided to make that the limit. “We are probably going to need a second presentation,” he said.

Machia reached out to Maryland-DC Section Manager Marty Pittinger, KB3MXM, to help, and when the day came, Machia said he found himself before “the most respectful group of young people I had ever met. They even laughed at my bad jokes.”

“The presentation covered the necessary points needed for their patch,” Machia recounted. He and his team presented some electrical and magnetic theory experiments. A local repeater demonstration followed, and they even set up an HF station with its antenna supported on a pole in the auditorium. “The 3 hours flew by,” he said, adding that he is now trying to recruit mentors from area clubs to expand interest in Amateur Radio.

Boy Scout Troop 231 Assistant Scoutmaster Dudley Allen, KD0NMD, also believes girls need to be given the opportunity to get more involved in ham radio. TDOTA provided one, and members of the Mid-America Council’s Radio Scouting Club (KN0BSA) hosted a TDOTA event for Girl Scouts in Bellevue, Nebraska, on February 18.

“This was the first event of this kind hosted for the Girl Scout troops in the area,” Allen said. “Seven girls took time out of their Girl Scout cookie sales schedule to stop by the ‘shack’ and see what it was all about.” He had help from other Scout leaders.

“Jim Taylor, AJ0R, put girls in contact with Girl Guides in London, England, using EchoLink,” Allen said, and he, Ray McNally, N5SEZ, and Terry Gampper, N0BXQ, helped the young ladies contact Georgia and Texas on HF. Derek Winterstien, W0DBW, got on 2 meters so the girls could chat with some of the locals. Overall, Allen said, it was a lot of fun, and Radio Scouting is growing throughout the midwest.

Youngberg says that few non-hams understand what Amateur Radio has to offer. “Fortunately, Thinking Day on the Air is what you might call a self-defining special event,” he said. “Point the troop to available TDOTA materials, offer support, and engage in a conversation that binds the event to something you and the Girl Scouts can reasonably and successfully accomplish.”




                                                            Jamboree on the Air – Jamboree on the Internet

                                                   JOTA-JOTI 2018 — 19, 20 &21 October

JOTA-JOTI is the largest Scouting event in the world with over 1 million Scouts participating across 150+ countries.  Scouts and Guides across the world connect with each other during JOTA-JOTI using the airwaves and the internet.

The event is held the third weekend of October.  The next JOTA-JOTI is 19th, 20th and 21st October 2018.

This is the official World Organization of the Scout Movement website for JOTA-JOTI.

It took less than 2 minutes to adhere to the radio, both sides are well built and are free of flaws. Would definitely recommend them to others, I know he prints the ft891, ft857d, icom 7300, icom 705. Check out his ebay page and if you have any questions, feel free to message him via ebay messaging. Check out my YOUTUBE video of these.

UPDATE – APRIL 29, 2024 – I thought I would never ever own a XIEGU G90 radio……yes I obtained a XIEGU G90 from a local ham here in Rochester, NY., Sometimes buying a radio means you were in the right place at the right time. I was not looking for a radio but never thought of a XIEGU G90…….So I bought one …..

UPDATE – MAY 7, 2024 Well , I had a local ham radio friend make me a 3d printed wire winder for my end feed half waves.

UPDATE –JUNE 20, 2024 – After a very long and hard look I finally found a new YAESU 857D HEAD UNIT, got it from RADIO WORLD UK, which it was $95.01 cheaper than buying from HRO. So I should get it buy late next week…looking forward to getting it and replacing the unit with the zebra stripe syndrome and I am sure I will appreciate the YEASU 857D even more so. Plus I picked up a LDG METER FOR THE YAESU 857D from a buyer on EBAY…So to say the least I have been upgrading my YAESU 857D

UPDATE –JUNE 28, 2024 – Wow,RADIOWORLD UK is the best, my new YAESU 857D head unit will be here today, I thought I would not see it till next week…great job RADIOWORLD UK….

On another note I got the LDG METER for the Yaesu 857d and found it to be defective, reached out to the vendor, he refunded my purchase. So I keep it see what happens.

UPDATE –JULY 5, 2024 Good news sold my used YAESU 857D Head unit to a ham in Maine…he was very happy with it in its condition and it was nice to help out a fellow 857D user…….It really made me apprecaite the radio even more than I did…it will NEVER be mobile in a car.

One thing is for certain with the new head unit and it condition im certain it will resale for a good penny, if iI do decide to part with it.

UPDATE –DECEMBER 23, 2024 WOW, what a great summer it was. Went out several times with the xiegu g90 to Cobbs Hill Park and went to Irondequoit bay marina park and went to Charlotte beach with it, made up a very nice go bag. It was nice to get out past these 4 walls in the ham shack and get out, next year I am definitely going to expand my horizons and get out to different places.

I think the cool thing it does not take me a lot of time to set up, throw up the end fed in a tree, secure it and your on the air.

I thought about getting a Xiegu 6100 but have decided that it would not be worth it, so I am good with the 2 Xiegu’s I already have.

I posted many of my adventures on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL “W2JLD“…Also took a wide variety of pics from my outings.

Places I’d like to go next year:

Charlotte Beach pier

Platt Street Bridge

Lock 32 in Pittsford

There is plenty of places to go here in Rochester…so get out on the air, stop procrastinating, stop making excuses….get out there and be radio active!!!!

UPDATE – MARCH 4,2025 Got a new/used LDG METER FOR THE YAESU 857D from a buyer on EBAY…So to say the least I have been upgrading my YAESU 857D

Looking forward to getting inline on the 857d, my last one I purchased did not work out well, so we will see how this one works….a nice compliment tot he 857d system.