Please join us on October 19 ,20 , 21 as we celebrate Jamboree on the Air – Jamboree on the Internet on Echolink JOTA-365, echolink node #480809
Here is some great info on Starting a Special Event Station and what to do about setup, running an event and the potential QSL cards related to a special event.
There is an often overlooked tactic in adding some spice to QSL chasing and amateur contacts that exist in the world of amateur radio.
The Special Events Station often sparks interest among QSL chasers and those who are interested in making contact with stations that spout an interesting purpose. It is associated with a significant public event and is only operated for a brief time.
And the typical impediment to doing this is often, ‘I don’t know how to do it!’. Well, read on. When you finish this article, you’ll know exactly what to do.
First, any licensed amateur can apply for a Special Events call regardless of his license class. It is best for someone that has a general class license or higher to request the call because the general class bands are the best place to operate Special Events Stations.
Next, an event should be significant.Take on an event that gets some attention. Once you select an event such as “World Amateur Radio Day” which celebrates the formation of the I.A.R.U. in Paris,France in1925.
Once you’ve chosen an event that is likely going to get attention, it comes down to planning. The first thing is deciding what call sign to operate under.
It is all right to use a club call for the special event. However, a standard ham call isn’t as attention getting as a one by one call sign issued through the vanity call program. You can get a one by one call sign for a limited number of days. The easiest way is to go to and apply. There is no charge for this.
You can search up and look for other special events by clicking on the ‘Search 1×1 Calls’ link on the left side of the page. Set your start date for today and the end date for several months from now. I did that just now and found an enormous number of Special Events Stations including such interesting events that honor the Navajo Code Talkers, IOTA (Island On The Air) Weekend, International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend, and the list goes on and on. Once your call is registered, your event will appear there, too. Reading these listings will help you when you write your listing.
Select ‘Request 1×1 Call’ and you will find a form in front of you. Fill in all the required information. When you select a 1×1 call, try to choose something that has a meaning. An example of that is that our special event for WARD is using ‘W2W’ because the W stood for World, the 2 is in the call area where region I am in. The W was chosen because it was a popular amateur prefix.
You can choose N, K, or W as a prefix. You may choose any single digit numeral (0-9) to follow it. Then the suffix letter can be any alphabetic character (A through Z) except X.
Be sure to select a VEC (Volunteer Examiner Coordinator) to process your event. I usually choose ARRL because it is what I have traditionally chosen. But there are other VECs that you can select in that drop down box.
Don’t overlook the field that provides a description of your event. The better described, the more likely you are to get noticed and worked on the day of the event. Be sure to include the URL to your Web site that gives information about your event.
Once you’ve finished providing the information, submit your request. It sometimes takes as much as a week before you receive confirmation that you have reserved the Special Events call for your event. So be patient.
Most radio clubs have a member who is good with QSL card creation. There is a few templates for QSL cards on the internet. As our Special Event Coordinator that was no exception. So I used Microsoft Publisher which I adopted to create our QSL card for the event.
Here’s where many people make the mistake of printing their Special Event QSL cards before the event. While you need an image of the card to put on a Web page publicizing the event, you don’t know exactly how many cards you will need until after the event is over and you have time to receive QSL requests. It is not yet time to print the cards. That time will come well after the event is over. We’ll cover how to go about getting cards at a reasonable price later in this article.
There are numerous ways to publicize your event. Some of them are:
1. Create a Web page with the Special Event information on it if your club does not already have one.
2. Ask AARL to include it in their listing of Special Events Stations.
3. Email other country’s Amateur Radio Publications and ask that your Special Event be included in their journals (RSGB, WIA, RAC, etc.).
4. Send it over amateur radio mailing lists, such as AARL Newsline, Hap Holly’s R.A.I.N Report, Ham Nation, Amateur Radio Newsline.
5. QRZ ( has a forum entitled, ‘Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events’. This is a wonderful place to publicize your event.
When publicizing your event, be sure to include the information about how to request your Special Events QSL card and what frequencies and dates/times you will be operating (the best frequencies to use for special events stations are general class frequencies. If you go to the advanced or extra bands, there will be quite a number of people who won’t be able to call you because of their frequency limitations). Include your Web page with the information about your event. Typically, you should request they send you their QSL card for the contact and an SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope). The SASE will save you the cost of postage for this event (remember that sending one hundred cards would otherwise cost forty-four dollars in postage or twenty-eight dollars if you mailed them as post cards). Save yourself that expense. QSL chasers can spare an extra stamp to save you the cost of mailing your card to them. I suggest that you also request they write your 1×1 call sign in the lower left hand corner of the outer envelope (it makes it much easier for you to distinguish between these requests and other club or station mail). Don’t forget to give them your mailing address so they know where to send it. Be sure to put ‘U.S.A.’ at the end of your address for the DX stations that might contact you. Tell them that it may take six to eight weeks for them to receive their Special Events QSL card. If you have any special requirements, you should tell them now. It is a good idea to put a deadline by which you must receive the QSL request. But be sure to give them a good four to six weeks after the event.
DX stations are a little more difficult. Either you can request they send you a IRC (International Reply Coupon) for enough postage to mail the card to them. Or you can request they just send you their QSL card and you can send yours back to them via the ARRL Outgoing QSL bureau.
On the day(s) of the event, have plenty of operators available and let everyone take turns. Keep a good log of all contacts. Using a logging program is often the best way. You will be able to sort the log alphabetically by call sign and then print it out for use when you fill out the cards. This will make the QSL process much easier.
Proper identification of a 1×1 Special Events Station requires that you give the 1×1 call every ten minutes and at the end of your transmissions. In addition, you must give the trustee’s call sign (your call or your club’s call if that’s what you used to register the 1×1) once per hour.
Be sure your operators have some knowledge of the event and can answer questions when asked by the stations calling them. When you are in a pileup, keep the contacts brief and be polite as you move to the next station. When you are in a slump and want to attract some attention to other stations, take some time to tell the calling stations about the event. When possible, have someone else keep the log for the operator.
Now that your event is over, collect the log and hold onto it. You will need it when you prepare the cards.
Over the next month, your QSL requests will come in. Don’t open them as you could create a nightmare for yourself in keeping each SASE with its corresponding QSL. I suggest you get a plastic bin from a store like Walmart to keep the unopened outer envelopes in. When the requests stop coming [or when you reach the QSL deadline], count the number of requests. Once you have an accurate count of how many QSLs you will need, it is time to have your QSLs made.
Whatever the number of requests you get, add an extra ten to fifteen per cent in additional cards to your printing order. There will be stragglers that come in much later and you will need to keep a few on hand to fill those requests. You’ll probably want to keep a couple for the club historian or album.
QSL requests are often mailed to you in an outer envelope. When you open the envelope, you should find the other station’s QSL card sent to you plus an SASE. An SASE is an envelope with the other station’s mailing address and a postage stamp on it. To send your QSL card to them, you just fill out your own QSL card with the information from your station log and then seal the card in the SASE. Then just drop it in the mail.
Unless you get close to five hundred or a thousand contacts [that actually request your card], you don’t want to spend that much on cards. Our QSL request to actual contact ratio was about thirty-five per cent.
Find a local printing company. I was able to make our cards by printing three to a page of cardstock.
The printed color artwork on the front and the black and white QSL report on the back in a way that allows the page to be cut into four 3.5″ by 5.5″ cards (standard QSL size). Be sure to have them print a QSL report form on the back sides of the cards. Be sure to let them know that the absolute maximum size cannot be exceeded (it makes it hard to stuff them into the SASEs and they don’t easily fit in QSL card binders that collectors may use if they are any larger than that). He charged us a small amount to do the cutting and then forty-five cents per page printed on card stock. We ordered one hundred and twenty-eight cards. Divide that number by four, multiply it by forty-five cents, and add the two or three dollars to it for the cutting and you will find that you can get QSLs cards made at a very good rate. We only spent between sixteen and seventeen dollars to do it. You can make it very cost effective if you take the time to find the best deal. After the first year, you can go back to that same printer to do your cards for the next year. And he will already know how to do it for you.
Now that the cards have been printed, it is time to schedule your ‘QSL Party’ at the club house. This can be a lot of fun in getting club members together for a common project. Tell them that this is a chance for them to learn about proper QSLing. It will get several people interested and they will come to help you.
Take your plastic bin to wherever you are going to meet. Pour out your bin of QSL requests (the outer envelopes) into a pile on the table. Place the stack of Special Events cards on the table in a different place. Put your Special Events log where everyone can reach it. Place your now empty plastic bin on the floor next to the table. You’ll also need a trash can to place the outer envelopes in as you open them.
Show them how to look up the call in the logbook, to take the information from the log [and not from the other station’s QSL card], and sign it with their first name followed by a comma and then their call sign. I generally suggest that they also put the other station’s call sign in the address field of the card, too.
Once they know how to fill out the cards, instruct each person to take an envelope from the stack and a blank Special Events card. Have them open the envelope to find an SASE and a QSL card from the station requesting your Special Events card. They should discard the outer envelope that has now been opened.
After seeing the call sign of the requesting station, they should look it up in the log. With the information from the log, fill out the QSL card. Mark the log’s QSL columns for ‘Sent’ and ‘Received’ since you received a card from them and are now sending them one. Put their Special Events card in their SASE and seal it. If you have a rubber stamp with your club’s return address, use it to stamp your return address on the SASE. If you have a rubber stamp with the name of the event, stamp that on the envelope as well. Place the SASE in the plastic bin and the other station’s card in a separate stack on the table. You can use the cards they sent you to make an album to archive the event in your club history.
Have each of your party members repeat the process of the last two paragraphs again and again until all of the requests have been filled.
One person should be designated to take the plastic bin to the local Post Office and mail the SASEs.
But that is your choice. I could have mailed at a post office near my qth much more easily. But that wouldn’t have been as accurate (a different post mark) and might be confusing when the SASE makes its way back to the sender. It’s not a big deal, but I suggest doing it.
One person should be designated to take the remaining copies of your Special Events QSL cards and answer any stragglers requesting QSLs for the event. They will likely come in later one at a time.
Your QSL card should be different for each year. It should always be specific to that year’s event (World Amateur Radio Day, date and year, etc.). Next year, the date and year may be different and it will be the 5th Annual World Amateur Radio Day in April. And you should use a different picture or design. Get a reputation for providing a nice QSL card. That may keep them coming back each year.
UPDATE – March 9,2018 – Just put out a PRESS RELEASE regarding WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2018
Press Release
World Radio Network/World Friendship Net Announces World Amateur Radio Day 2018
For the 4th straight year.
Rochester, NY., March 9, 2018: THE WORLD RADIO NETWORK and THE WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET today announced that for the 4th straight year, we will be participating in WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2018 ON VOIP/ECHOLINK on the WORLD CONFERENCE SERVER/IRLP 9251. APRIL 18TH, 2018. We are part of NARRI/Nevada amateur radio repeaters, inc. Kent Johnson/W7AOR is the primary trustee of this organization.
In 2018 we are proud to announce for the first time ever we will have a special event call sign “W2W” been secured for this event. As well as we will have a commemorative special event “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2018” QSL Card. We will have a 12 hour net with 8 different net controllers from all over the world. We will have 3 special guest check in throughout the event.
The 2017 event, We recorded over 426 check ins, 45 International stations, 23 countries, 125 new check ins. The net lasted 12 hours and 15 minutes, with 6 net controllers. We had over 310 QSL card request. The net ran for 12 hours plus with 6 different net controllers doing 2 hour shifts. We also had a special event qsl card that was available upon request. We were happy to announce that last year’s net was the LARGEST event on VOIP/ECHOLINK.
As Special event coordinator for the THE WORLD RADIO NETWORK and THE WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET none of this could have possible if not for the over 426 check ins and the 6 great net controllers who took time out of their day and contributed time for this event.
W2JLD-John, Special Event Coordinator for the World Radio Network and The World Friendship Net. KM4OOC – Mike, Net Manager and KD8TBC – Lee, Asst Net Manager for The World Radio Network and The World Friendship Net. WH6DWF – Todd, System admin for the western reflector, N7HVN – Cathy, NCS for WORLD RADIO NETWORK.
So please join us again as we celebrate amateur radio all around the world on APRIL 18TH at 16:00 UTC (12 NOON EST, 9AM PST) via ECHOLINK on the “World” Conference server (IRLP 9251) for the 4th annual “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2018″ as we celebrate this special event. We will again have a special event QSL card available upon request. We will have a 12 hour net with 8 different net controllers from all over the world.
Be part of something that’s bigger than all of us ,Let’s make WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2018 one of the largest special event nets on ECHOLINK ever!!!
World Radio Network: Special WARD IRLP/ECHOLINK Net
16:00 -17:30 (12 NOON EST, 9AM PST) UTC via the World Conference server (IRLP 9251) W2JLD, KM4OOC, KD8TBC,N7HVN, KB3JUF, WH6DWF Net Controllers. All stations from around the world are encouraged to check in.
World Friendship Net: Special WARD IRLP/ECHOLINK Net
00:00 – 01:30 (8PM EST, 5 PM PST) UTC via the World Conference Server (IRLP 9251)
W2JLD, KM4OOC, KD8TBC,N7HVN, VO1UKZ, KG7KA, N0STY, WH6DWF Net Controllers. All stations from around the world are encouraged to check in.
Here is the lineup of net controllers for WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY on APRIL 18TH at 12 noon est-10pm est(16:00 utc – 04:00 utc) – ALL TIMES POSTED ARE PST/EST/UTC TIME
9am-11am – 12noon-2pm -16:00 – 18:00 – N7HVN – KATHY – LAS VEGAS,NV- Net controller for the “Wacky Wednesday” Net for the WORLD RADIO NETWORK – 2 hrs
11am – 12noon – 2pm-3pm -18:00 – 19:00 – W2JLD – JOHN – ROCHESTER,NY – Special event coordinator for “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY”,Net controller for the WORLD RADIO NETWORK and the WORLD FREINDSHIP NET – 1hr
12noon – 1pm – 3pm – 4pm – 19:00 – 20:00 – WH6DWF – TODD – HONOLULU,HAWAII -System Admin for the Western reflector, Net controller for the WORLD RADIO NETWORK on Thursdays -1hr
1pm – 3pm – 4pm – 6pm – 20:00 – 22:00 – VO1UKZ – DARYYLL – NEWFOUNDLAND,CANADA – System admin for DODROPIN – 2 hrs
3pm – 4pm – 6pm – 7pm – 22:00 – 23:00 – KD8TBC – LEE – HAZELPARK,MICHIGAN – Asst. Net manager for the WORLD CONFERENCE SERVER and Net controller for the WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET – 1hr
4pm – 5pm – 7pm – 8pm – 23:00 – 24:00 – WB8ODF – DAVE -YPSILANTI,MICHIGAN – Net Control for “The Net on IRLP 9668 – 1hr
5pm – 6pm – 8pm – 9pm – 24:00 – 01:00 – W7AWN – PHIL – LAKE STEVENS,WASHINGTON – Net controller for the WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET on Saturday’s “Car Talk” Net – 1hr
6pm – 7pm – 9pm – 10pm – 01:00 – 02:00 – KG7KA – LOREN – PAHRUMP,NEVADA – Webmaster for the WORLD RADIO NETWORK and THE WORLD FRIENDSHIP NET website and Net controller for the Friday edition of the WORLD RADIO NETWORK – 1hr
7pm – 9pm – 10pm – 12pm – 02:00 – 04:00 N0STY – NASTY – AKRON,COLORADO – System Admin for the “FRIENDS” Conference server/IRLP 9618 and Sundays Net controller for the WORLD RADIO NETWORK – 2hr
I’d like to thank all the System administrators and the sysops for their cooperation and linking up for WORLD AMATUER RADIO DAY.This event will celebrate amateur radio as we know it and this will bring everyone together for fellowship and friendship.PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECKIN AND REQUEST A SPECIAL EVENT QSL CARD

Remember to send me a S.A.S.E.(SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE) and ill be sure to get it in the mail. Be sure to show your participation on WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY by getting a 1 of a kind t-shirt….These t-shirts are very good quality and are only 20.00$……They are available in WHITE/NATURAL/ASH…..In sizes small/medium/large-xlarge. call 775-727-9444 ask for Loren or email him at
Also I want to thank KENT JOHNSON – W7AOR of the”NEVEDA AMATEUR RADIO REPEATERS INC” in LAS VEGAS,NV. for providing us with this wonderful platform to put on these nets and specail events.
Of course I want to thank each and everyone of you who will take time out of your day to checkin with us on WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY on APRIL 18TH,2018 AT 12noon est. Also the WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY celebration can be heard on BROADCASTIFY…..I want to thank N0STY – Nasty for linking up the WORLD AMATUER RADIO DAY celebration to BROADCASTIFY for those whom are not licensed.
Again for the 4th straight year it was the largest net ever on ECHOLINK for a special event…..I want to thank everyone that participated in this event, without you it would have never been possible. I would like to thank: N7HVN – CATHY– WH6DWF – TODD – VO1UKZ – DARRYLL – N0STY – NASTY – KG7KA – LOREN – WB8ODF – DAVE – W7AWN – PHIL – KD8TBC – LEE for their support and dedication for this event….Great job to everyone whom participated. We will be doing this again in 2019…So stay tuned for further details.
We had 16 Echolink conferences connected for this event. We were live via FACEBOOK and BROADCASTIFY and RADIO REFERNCE
We had several modes connected: IRLP, ALLSTAR, DMR, C4FM, WIRES-X.
What an amazing special event this was and im so looking forward to 2019
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2109 for Friday, March 30, 2018 – 
UPDATE – March 30,2018
PAUL/ANCHOR: Another kind of gathering – a global gathering of friends – is in the works for April 18. Kevin Trotman N5PRE has those details.
KEVIN’s REPORT: On April 18, World Amateur Radio Day will mark that day when the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris in 1925. There was, of course, no IRLP or EchoLink back then, but there’s a group of relative newcomers operating on the Western Reflector feeling just as festive over marking the occasion. The World Radio Network/World Friendship Net is preparing for its fourth year as participants in the global event and it’s making sure that all hams – even those who can’t get on the HF bands – have a chance to get in on the action. The World Friendship Net will operate nonstop for 12 hours starting on 1600 UTC on April 18 and for the first year will be using a special event call sign W2W. Those who participate will get a commemorative special event QSL card this year as well.
Organizer John De Rycke (duh RIKEY) said last year’s success has encouraged even more participation this year. The 2017 participation logged 426 check-ins with 45 international stations representing 23 different countries. This year’s 12-hour net will be run by 8 different net controllers around the clock.
Node 9251 is located on the World Conference Server and part of the Nevada Amateur Radio Repeater network.
For Amateur Radio Newsline I’m Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
Here is the link:
UPDATE – March 13,2018 – Just got a ALLSTAR node working today. I must say this is a nice peice of equipment to have and I wanted something that was preassembled and something that needed little to know knowledge to get it up and running.
Speccial thanks to KN2R for his patience and understanding of getting this on the air and get it going. So if you hear me on 446.025/pl 114.8 thats my ALLSTAR Node running
It has the PI 3 board and a sound fob and a power supply and a preinstalled sd card with the lastest version of allstar on it. Well worth it to get.
As you can see its in a nice little box, enough room for everyhing, has the BAOFENG BF-888S UHF Radio, the PI 3 board and the sound fob , also has the power unit.
can be directly plugged into the ethernet or a WIFI usb can be used.
It is also available to bridge ECHOLINK to it as well.
I currently have it connected to a magmount antenna. I can take this with me as a portable or keep it at the qth.
if you want more info as where to obtain this unit ….my email is good on QRZ shot me a email and ill let you know…
The new addition is a MIRAGE D-24 Amplifier,5 watts in 40+ watts out, it certainly make my node have a bigger footprint.
so if your in or around Rochester,New York be sure to tune in on 446.025/pl 114.8 and check out some of the nets
UPDATE – April 30,2018 – Just wanted to post this great little WOUXON ht I picked up over the weekend off of EBAY……for 20$ best offer what did I have to loose….Nothing the seller wanted 30$ buy it now so I offered 20$ as-is and they accepted it. Got it here did not have a charging pod for it but I had a charger that had 2 alligator clips onit and had both negative and positive lead so I thought why not. Well after 2 hours of charging it worked FLAWLESSLY!!!! Im so happy it worked ,not bad for 20$,great dual band ht.
The WOUXON KG-UV2D, 1W/5W,so I ordered a charging pod and an extra battery and a antenna.
Here are the pics

UPDATE – July 19, 2018 – World Radio Friendship Award#79
Granted: 2018-07-20 00:34:05 (W2JLD)
- 2 Meters Mixed
- 2 Meters Phone

UPDATE – September 15, 2018
Received an award from NARRI(Nevada amateur radio repeaters,inc.) Was very nice to be recognized for ones hard work and dedication

UPDATE – November 9, 2019 – HEDY LAMARR DAY 2019
Join us for the original “HEDY LAMARR DAY NET”

For the 4th straight year we will celebrating HEDY LAMARR DAY ON NOVEMBER 9TH 2019
This special event net will be on at 9am pst/12noon est, (17:00 UTC)
Help us celebrate her accomplishments and of course her 105TH Birthday.
As we celebrate her technological advancements in ham radio and
of course her silver screen roles in many movies she did throughout her career.
Join us and have fun and check in to the Echolink *DoDropin* Conference server node #355800 or Allstar node #47620
I want to thank KJ6ZSP/Bill and VO1UKZ/Daryyll for the opportunity to be able to bring you this special event that I have brought to you in the past.
The net which will run 3 hours or longer depending on the number of checkins.
Also we will have the *HAM* Conference server
and the *HANDIHAM* Conference server connected for this special event
(more conference servers will be recruited to join us for this event).
More details will follow!!! Please check the website DODROPIN.ORG for further updates.
Speaking of checking in, a SPECIAL event QSL Card will be available upon request.
Just tell the net controller and they will put you down for one
and of course to obtain your special event QSL Card.
Send a S.A.S.E. (self addressed stamped envelope) to W2JLD, address is good on qrz.
In 2018 we had a very successful event.
We had 104 checkins and 54 QSL cards sent out last year. Which was her 104th Birthday!!!!
Please join us in celebrating the technical accomplishments of a very talented yl, whom without her inventions, we would not have Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or gps. We will have the DODROPIN, HAM, HANDIHAM
So be sure to put that day aside and join us.
Here is this years Special event QSL Card, so be sure to check in and get one of these

Please join us on APRIL 18TH 2020 FOR THE ORIGINAL AND THE ONE AND ONLY “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY “, DONT BE FOOLED BY COPYCATS, join us, this event will be our 5 year annivesary. We will have of course a special event callsign which we have had for 4 years and because of our annivesary we will also provide a special certificate.
On APRIL 18TH stop by the Dodropin Echolink conference server node #355800 and help us celebrate World Amateur Radio Day and show case the world our wonderful hobby and how we communicate via VOIP system and again break the record for longest net and number of checkins.
This special event has been a staple of the ECHOLINK system for more than 4 years and will continue for many years.
COME AND CHECK OUT THE ORIGINAL “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY” on the DODROPIN node 355800, We will have multiple conferences and repeaters and links setup for this great event, we will also have different mode, such as ALLSTAR DMR, IRLP, DSTAR.
So again join us for the 5th anniversary of the original “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY”
If you would like to be part of this history making event and have fun while doing it then please take part and think about being a net controller, send W2JLD AN EMAIL AND WE WILL GET YOU ON YOUR WAY FOR THIS HISTORIC NET
The net will run for 12 hours and we had 12 net controllers who took time out of thier day to make it all possible and from last years numbers we are sure to break the record again and you can also get a special event QSL CARD or a 5TH Anniversary certificate that say you took part in this event a great item to dispaly proudly in your ham shack.
Here is some great info about HEDY LAMARR you may not have known:
Hedy Lamarr: 58 unknown facts about the actress and inventor!
1. Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler was born 9 November 1914 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary.
2. She is the only child of Gertrud “Trude” Kiesler and Emil Kiesler.
3. Her father was born to a Jewish family in Lemberg (now Lviv in Ukraine) and was a successful bank director.
4. Her mother was a pianist and Budapest native who came from an upper-class Jewish family; she had converted from Judaism to Catholicism and was described as a “practicing Christian”, who raised her daughter as a Christian.
5. Lamarr helped get her mother out of Austria (then under Nazi domination) and to the United States. Her mother later became a United States citizen.
6. Gertrud Kiesler put “Hebrew” as her race on her petition for naturalization as a United States citizen. She would live out the rest of her life in California, dying in 1977 at age 83.
7. In the late 1920s, Lamarr was discovered as an actress and brought to Berlin by producer Max Reinhardt. Following her training in the theater, she returned to Vienna, where she began to work in the film industry, first as a script girl, and soon as an actress.
8. In early 1933, at age 18, she starred in Gustav Machatý’s film, Ecstasy (Ekstase in German, Extase in Czech), which was filmed in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Lamarr’s role was that of a neglected young wife married to an indifferent older man. The film became notorious for showing Lamarr’s face in the throes of orgasm as well as close-up and brief nude scenes in which she is seen swimming and running through the woods.
9. On 10 August 1933, Lamarr married Friedrich Mandl, an Austrian military arms merchant and munitions manufacturer who was reputedly the third-richest man in Austria.
10. Lamarr was 18 years old and Mandl was 33. In her autobiography Ecstasy and Me, Lamarr described Mandl as an extremely controlling husband who strongly objected to her simulated orgasm scene in Ecstasy, and prevented her from pursuing her acting career.
11. Lamarr claimed she was kept a virtual prisoner in their castle home, Schloss Schwarzenau.
12. Mandl had close social and business ties to the fascist government of Italy, selling munitions to Mussolini and, although his father was Jewish, had ties to the Nazi government of Germany as well.
13. Lamarr wrote that Mussolini and Hitler attended lavish parties at the Mandl home. Lamarr accompanied Mandl to business meetings, where he conferred with scientists and other professionals involved in military technology. These conferences were her introduction to the field of applied science and the bedrock that nurtured her latent talent in science.
14. Lamarr’s marriage to Mandl eventually became unbearable, and she decided to separate herself from both him and her country.
15. In her autobiography, she wrote that she disguised herself as her maid and fled to Paris; but by other accounts, she persuaded Mandl to let her wear all of her jewelry for a dinner party, then disappeared afterward.
16. After arriving in Paris in 1937, she met Louis B. Mayer, who was scouting for talent in Europe. Mayer persuaded her to change her name to Hedy Lamarr (she had been known as “the Ecstasy lady”), choosing the surname in homage to the beautiful silent film star, Barbara La Marr.
17. He brought her to Hollywood in 1938, and began promoting her as the “world’s most beautiful woman”.
18. Lamarr made her American film debut in Algiers (1938), opposite Charles Boyer. The film created a “national sensation,” says Shearer.
19. She was billed as an unknown but well-publicized Austrian actress, which created anticipation in audiences. Mayer hoped she would become another Greta Garbo or Marlene Dietrich. According to one viewer, when her face first appeared on the screen, “everyone gasped…Lamarr’s beauty literally took one’s breath away.”
20. In future Hollywood films, she was invariably typecast as the archetypal, glamorous seductress of exotic origin. Lamarr played opposite the era’s most popular leading men.
21. Her many films included Boom Town (1940) with Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy, Comrade X with Gable, White Cargo (1942), Tortilla Flat (1942) with Tracy and John Garfield, H. M. Pulham, Esq. (1941) with Robert Young, and Dishonored Lady (1947). In 1941, Lamarr was cast alongside Lana Turner and Judy Garland in Ziegfeld Girl.
22. Lamarr made 18 films from 1940 to 1949, and also had two children during that time (in 1945 and 1947).
23. After leaving MGM in 1945, she enjoyed her biggest success as Delilah in Cecil B.
24. DeMille’s Samson and Delilah, the highest-grossing film of 1949, with Victor Mature as the Biblical strongman.
25. However, following a comedic role opposite Bob Hope in My Favorite Spy (1951), her career went into decline. She appeared only sporadically in films after 1950, one of her last roles being that of Joan of Arc in Irwin Allen’s critically panned epic, The Story of Mankind (1957).
26. White Cargo, one of Lamarr’s biggest hits at MGM, contains arguably her most memorable film quote, delivered with provocative invitation: “I am Tondelayo. I make tiffin for you?” This line typifies many of Lamarr’s roles, which emphasized her beauty and sexuality, while giving her relatively few lines.
27. The lack of acting challenges bored Lamarr. She reportedly took up inventing to relieve her boredom.
28. Lamarr’s earliest inventions included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a carbonated drink. The beverage was unsuccessful; Lamarr herself said it tasted like Alka-Seltzer.
29. With the ongoing World War, Lamarr was inspired to contribute to the war effort, designing a jam-proof radio guidance system for torpedoes. With the help of composer George Antheil, they drafted designs for a new frequency-hopping, spread-spectrum technology that they later patented.
30. Lamarr and Antheil realized that radio-controlled torpedoes, which could be important in the naval war, could easily be jammed, thereby causing the torpedo to go off course.
31. With the knowledge she had gained about torpedoes from her first husband, and using a method similar to the way piano rolls work, they designed a frequency-hopping system that would continually change the radio signals sent to the torpedo.
32. Their invention was granted a patent on 11 August 1942 (filed using her married name Hedy Kiesler Markey). Yet, it was technologically difficult to implement, and at that time the U.S. Navy was not receptive to considering inventions coming from outside the military.
33. Only in 1962 (at the time of the Cuban missile crisis) did an updated version of their design appear on Navy ships.The design is one of the important elements behind today’s spread-spectrum communication technology, such as modern CDMA, Wi-Fi networks, and Bluetooth technology.
34. In 1997, they received the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award and the Bulbie Gnass Spirit of Achievement Bronze Award, given to individuals whose creative lifetime achievements in the arts, sciences, business, or invention fields have significantly contributed to society.
35. She was featured on the Science Channel and the Discovery Channel.
36. In 2014, Lamarr and Antheil were posthumously inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
37. Lamarr became a naturalized citizen of the United States at age 38 on 10 April 1953.
38. In 1966, she was arrested in Los Angeles for shoplifting. The charges were eventually dropped.
39. In 1991, she was arrested on the same charge in Florida, this time for stealing $21.48 worth of laxatives and eye drops. She pleaded “no contest” to avoid a court appearance, and the charges were once again dropped in return for a promise to refrain from breaking any laws for a year.
40. Her autobiography, Ecstasy and Me, was published in 1966. However, she said on TV that it was not actually written by her, implying that much of it was fictional.
41. According to the book, she slipped into a brothel and hid in an empty room while fleeing her estranged husband, Fritz Mandl. While her husband searched the brothel, a man entered the room and she had sex with him so she could remain unrecognized. She escaped by hiring a maid who resembled her, she drugged the maid and used her uniform as a disguise to escape.
42. Lamarr later sued the publisher, saying that many of the anecdotes in the book, which was described by a judge as “filthy, nauseating, and revolting,” were fabricated by its ghost writer, Leo Guild. She was also sued in Federal Court by Gene Ringgold, who asserted the actress’s autobiography contained material from an article about her life which he wrote in 1965 for a magazine called Screen Facts.
43. The publication of her autobiography took place about a year after the accusations of shoplifting and a year after Andy Warhol’s short film Hedy (1966). The shoplifting charges coincided with a failed attempt to return to the screen in Picture Mommy Dead (1966). The role was ultimately filled by Zsa Zsa Gabor.
44. The 1970s was a decade of increasing seclusion for Lamarr. She was offered several scripts, television commercials, and stage projects, but none piqued her interest.
45. In 1974, she filed a $10-million lawsuit against Warner Bros., claiming that the running parody of her name (“Hedley Lamarr”) in the Mel Brooks’ comedy Blazing Saddles infringed her right to privacy.
46. Brooks said he was flattered. Τhe studio settled out of court for an undisclosed nominal sum and an apology to Lamarr for “almost using her name”. Brooks said that Lamarr “never got the joke”.
47. With failing eyesight, she retreated from public life and settled in Miami Beach, Florida, in 1981.
48. For several years beginning in 1997, the boxes of CorelDRAW’s software suites were graced by a large Corel-drawn image of Lamarr. The picture won CorelDRAW’s yearly software suite cover design contest in 1996. Lamarr sued Corel for using the image without her permission. Corel countered that she did not own rights to the image. The parties reached an undisclosed settlement in 1998.
49. For her contribution to the motion picture industry, Lamarr has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6247 Hollywood Blvd adjacent to Vine St where the Walk is centered.
50. In her later years, Lamarr turned to plastic surgery to preserve the looks she was terrified of losing. Lamarr had to endure disastrous results. “She had her breasts enlarged, her cheeks raised, her lips made bigger, and much, much more” said her son, Anthony. “She had plastic surgery thinking it could revive her looks and her career, but it backfired and distorted her beauty”. Anthony Loder also claimed that Lamarr was addicted to pills.
51. Lamarr became estranged from her adopted son, James Lamarr Loder, when he was 12 years old. Their relationship ended abruptly and he moved in with another family. They did not speak again for almost 50 years. Lamarr left James Loder out of her will and he sued for control of the US$3.3 million estate left by Lamarr in 2000.
52. Lamarr was married and divorced six times. She adopted a son, James, in 1941, during her second marriage to Gene Markey. She went on to have two biological children, Denise (born 1945) and Anthony (born 1947), with her third husband, actor John Loder, who also adopted James.
53. The following is a list of her marriages:
Friedrich Mandl (married 1933–1937), chairman of the Hirtenberger Patronen-Fabrik.
Gene Markey (married 1939–1941), screenwriter and producer. Child: James Lamarr Markey (born 9 January 1939), adopted 12 June 1939, and re-adopted by John Loder; the child was thereafter known as James Lamarr Loder. The couple lived at 2727 Benedict Canyon Drive in Beverly Hills, California during their marriage.
John Loder (married 1943–1947), actor. Children: Denise Loder (born 19 January 1945), married Larry Colton, a writer and former baseball player, and Anthony Loder (born 1 February 1947), married Roxanne who worked for illustrator James McMullan. Anthony Loder was featured in the 2004 documentary film Calling Hedy Lamarr.
Ernest “Ted” Stauffer (married 1951–1952), nightclub owner, restaurateur, and former bandleader.
W. Howard Lee (married 1953–1960); a Texas oilman (who later married film actress Gene Tierney).
Lewis J. Boies (married 1963–1965); Lamarr’s own divorce lawyer.
54. Following her sixth and final divorce in 1965, Lamarr remained single for the last 35 years of her life.
55. Lamarr died in Casselberry, Florida, on 19 January 2000, aged 85.
56. Her death certificate cited three causes: heart failure, chronic valvular heart disease, and arteriosclerotic heart disease.
57. Her death coincided with her daughter Denise’s 55th birthday. Her son Anthony Loder took her ashes to Austria and spread them in the Vienna Woods, in accordance with her last wishes.
58. Lamarr was given an honorary grave in Vienna’s Central Cemetery in 2014.
UPDATE – December 20, 2019 – Please join us for the 9th annual “SANTA WATCH NET” on DECEMBER 24TH 2019 at 6pm est on the *DODROPIN* Conference Node Number 355800. So join Dave/N3NTV as he host along with the guy in the big red suit. Third party checkins are always welcome. We will have of course a special event callsign N1S (Number 1 Santa) which is the first year that we have that, also we have a special event QSL card will be available to the kids who checkin. No S.A.S.E. is necessary for the kids to recieve this QSL Card. Postage and handling is taken care via Santa’s elves.

Be sure to checkin and join Santa and Dave bring in some holiday cheer….HO HO HO HO HO
What a great success the Santa watch net was, Santa talked to 35 kids and those kids will recieve a special QSL Card from Santa and we had 80 checkins in the 4 hour net, Thank you to Santa and his little elf Dave/N3NTV and NORAD for tracking Santa throughout the nite as he dashed acrossed the world delivering wonferful gifts for the kids and of course for the big kids as well.
And of course one lucky child walked away with a BAOFENG UV-5R and she was KYLEE/KY7LEE, so congrats to her and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all those that took time out of their Christmas eve to take part in this annual event.
A great time was had by all………See you all in 2020 for the 10th anniversary of the SANTA WATCH NET on the DODROPPIN. I recieved a email last after the net that I wanted to share with all of you and it really speaks volumes on what we do as a whole and the support we get.
John L DeRycke W2JLD,
First I would like to greatly thank you and any others that helped with the Santa Net tonight. A BIG thank you to N1S for a job well done.
My little Ham Operator has been very blessed in the community that has come with this hobby and the amazing people that are willing to help her continue to grow. She was over the moon to talk to Santa, she has been pretty bummed with her Ham Shack being shipped to our next base across the world.
Everyone’s upbeat and amazing support and love shared tonight only further proves how amazing this community is for all ages. My little lass would LOVE to send Santa and any of his helper Elves that she spoke to, one of her own QSL cards. She is big into sending (even if she doesn’t get one in return) and collecting. We would also like to know where to send Thank you cards!
For the QSL card from Santa we would love to have one sent to us at our new home address in Japan ( but if this is not do able an email one is fine too) I will include our Japan address we plan to update on qrz once we arrive.
Raegan Bradbury KJ7BBN
UPDATE – February 26,2020 – Every April 18, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on this day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris.
Amateur Radio experimenters were the first to discover that the short wave spectrum — far from being a wasteland — could support worldwide propagation. In the rush to use these shorter wavelengths, Amateur Radio was “in grave danger of being pushed aside,” the IARU’s history has noted. Amateur Radio pioneers met in Paris in 1925 and created the IARU to support Amateur Radio worldwide.
Just two years later, at the International Radiotelegraph Conference, Amateur Radio gained the allocations still recognized today — 160, 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters. Since its founding, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the frequency allocations for Amateur Radio. Thanks to the support of enlightened administrations in every part of the globe, radio amateurs are now able to experiment and communicate in frequency bands strategically located throughout the radio spectrum. From the 25 countries that formed the IARU in 1925, the IARU has grown to include 160 member-societies in three regions. IARU Region 1 includes Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Northern Asia. Region 2 covers the Americas, and Region 3 is comprised of Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific island nations, and most of Asia. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of Amateur Radio.
Today, Amateur Radio is more popular than ever, with more than 3,000,000 licensed operators!
World Amateur Radio Day is the day when IARU Member-Societies can show our capabilities to the public and enjoy global friendship with other Amateurs worldwide.
Groups should promote their WARD activity on social media by using the hash tag #WorldAmateurRadioDay on Twitter and Facebook.
April 18 is the day for all of Amateur Radio to celebrate and tell the world about the science we can help teach, the community service we can provide and the fun we have.
World Amateur Radio Day 2020 Will Celebrate Amateur Radio’s Contribution to Society
World Amateur Radio Day (WARD), observed every April 18. In 2020 it will mark the 95th year of founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in 1925. As they do every year, radio amateurs worldwide will take to the airwaves to celebrate Amateur Radio’s contribution to society.
April 18 is the day for all of Amateur Radio to celebrate and tell the world about the science we can help teach, the community service we can provide, and the fun we have,” the IARU said in announcing World Amateur Radio Day 2020. “We hope you will join in the fun and education that is World Amateur Radio Day!”
How we can celebrate this event
It started in 2015 when W2JLD/John just got his license and he did his first WARD event on another Echolink/VOIP Conference, while it was in its infancy, it never the less was a way to celebrate not only what APRIL 18TH means, but it was a way show what we do on amateur radio. Who would ever think that this would be a regular event and how much it has grown to become one of the flagship special events on the Echolink/VOIP System and now has a permanent home on the Echolink/VOIP *Dodropin* Conference node #355800
While 2020 will mark our 5th anniversary of this event, it also shows how much we as a group of like minded individuals who have made this hobby what it is today.
Those that make this possible
As special event coordinator for the Echolink/VOIP *Dodropin* node #355800, I am proud to say that none of this could have been possible if not for all those involved in making this event a successful one.
Thanks go to BILL/KJ6ZSP owner of the DODROPIN and DARRYLL/VO1UKZ Admin for the DODROPIN for allowing this event to take place.
Press Release
VOIP/ECHOLINK *DODROPIN* Conference Announces:
“World Amateur Radio Day 2020”
For the 5th year anniversary.
Rochester, NY., March 10, 2020: VOIP/ECHOLINK *DODROPIN* Conference node #355800 today announced that for the 5th straight year, we will be participating in WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2020 on APRIL 18TH, 2020.
Join us as we celebrate the 95th year of the formation of the I.A.R.U in Paris, France in 1925, Since 1925, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has been the watchdog and spokesman for the world Amateur Radio community. All licensed radio amateurs benefit from the work of the IARU, whether or not they are members of their national IARU member-society. But every licensed radio amateur should be a member. “Only by combining our efforts in this way can we ensure the future health of Amateur Radio, for ourselves and for future generations”.
In 2020 we are proud to announce we will have a special event call sign “W2W” has been secured for this event. As well as we will have a commemorative special event “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2020” QSL Card. In celebration of our 5th anniversary we will also have a special certificate that will be available. We will have a 12 hour net with 10 different net controllers from all over the world.
The DODROPIN ECHOLINK Conference server has been given authorization for the 5th straight year from the IARU and ARRL for this on the air celebration. “The IARU has endorsed the WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY celebration with W2JLD for 5 years,and will continue to support this special event. Keep up the fine work you do for amateur radio.”
This was quoted from the president of the IARU in an email that W2JLD recieved earlier this week.
What a great successful world amateur radio day 2020 was.
OPTION 1 IS : PLEASE SEND $5.00 TO MY PAYPAL account which is
The certificates are printed on 110 lb cardstock , just insert into a picture frame.

The 2019 event, We recorded over 400 check ins, 35 International stations, 20 countries, 125 new check ins. The net lasted 12 hours and 15 minutes, with 10 net controllers . We had over 225 QSL card request. We were happy to announce that last year’s net was the LARGEST SPECIAL event on VOIP/ECHOLINK.
As Special event coordinator for this event none of this could have possible if not for the over 400 check ins and the 10 great net controllers who took time out of their day and contributed time for this event.
W2JLD – John, Special Event Coordinator for WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2020
KJ6ZSP /Bill, VO1UKZ/ Darryll for their fine work behind the scenes and enabled this great event to take place on the *DODROPIN* Conference server
So please join us again as we celebrate amateur radio all around the world on APRIL 18TH at 16:00 UTC (12 NOON EST, 9AM PST) via VOIP/ECHOLINK *DODROPIN* Conference node #355800 and also on Allstar Node #47620.
Be part of something that’s bigger than all of us , and *DODROPIN* and let’s make WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2020 one of the largest special event nets on ECHOLINK ever!!!
VOIP/ECHOLINK *DODROPIN* Conference node #355800
16:00 – 04:00UTC(12 NOON EST-12 MIDNIGHT EST) via VOIP/ECHOLINK *DODROPIN* Conference node #355800/ W2JLD, VO1UKZ, VA3IDJ, MW6SZL, MW8SZL,KI7BR, 9Y4C, KB8ODF, VA33ODJ, KL4RCS Net Controllers. All stations from around the world are encouraged to check in.
9am – 10am – 12noon – 1pm – 16:00 – 17:00 – W2JLD – JOHN – ROCHESTER, NEW YORK – Special event coordinator for “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY” – 1 hr
10am – 11am – 1pm – 2pm – 17:00 – 18:00 – VA3ODJ – DESIREE – 1hr
11am – 1pm – 2pm – 4pm – 18:00 – 20:00 – MW6SZL – DECLAN – NEW ZEALAND – Net controller for the SCARS – 2 hrs
1pm – 2pm – 4pm – 5pm – 20:00 – 21:00 – GW8SZL – DAVE – NEW ZEALAND – 1hr
2pm – 3pm – 5pm – 6pm – 21:00 – 22:00 – 9Y4C – DEXTER – 1hr
3pm – 5pm – 6pm – 8pm – 22:00 – 24:00 – VO1UKZ – DARYYLL – NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA – System admin for DODROPIN – 2 hours
5pm – 6pm – 8pm – 9pm – 00:00 – 01:00 – WB8ODF – DAVE – Amateur radio newsline reporter – 1hr
6pm – 7pm – 9pm – 10pm – 01:00 – 02:00 – KI7PKL – ROY – ALASKA MORNING NET NET CONTROLLER – 1 hr
7pm – 9pm – 10pm – 12am – 02:00 – 04:00 – KL4RCS – RICH – WASILLA, ALASKA – Net controller for the Alaskian Morning Net – 2hr
UPDATE – 04/03/2020
JIM/ANCHOR: Now more than ever it’s important to celebrate amateur radio. Stephen Kinford N8WB shares two ways to do it even if you don’t have access to HF.
STEPHEN: Get ready for World Amateur Radio Day, which marks the 95th year since the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union. There will be plenty of action for hams who use EchoLink or IRLP as their main modes. This year is the fifth year an international group of hams will be operating in a 12-hour net taking place on the EchoLink/VOIP system starting at 1600 UTC on April 18th on the DoDropIn Conference Server, Node 355800. The special event coordinator John DeRycke (Duh-Rye-Key) W2JLD said there will be a special event QSL card along with a certificate marking the net’s fifth year of operation. Nine control operators around the world will be helping make this happen.
For Amateur Radio Newsline I’m Stephen Kinford N8WB.
UPDATE – 04/23/2020 – The 2020 event, We recorded over 490 check ins, 23 International stations, 22 countries, 221 new check ins. The net lasted 12 hours and 15 minutes, with 9 net controllers . We had over 326 QSL card request and certificates. We were happy to announce that this year’s net again was the LARGEST SPECIAL event on VOIP/ECHOLINK.
As Special event coordinator for this event none of this could have possible if not for the over 490 check ins and the 9 great net controllers who took time out of their day and contributed time for this event.
W2JLD – John, Special Event Coordinator for WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2020
UPDATE – 05/23/2020 – IT’S OFFICIAL I OBTAINED A ECHOLINK CONFERENCE SERVER NAMED *ROC-HAM* NODE NUMBER 531091 – This conference gives me the opportunity to do the special events and connections on my own conference without asking others to do so, plus it gives me more flexiabilty to blazing my own trail on amateur radio.
Pi Net at 5pm EST [3/300] |
ON |
10:24 |
531091 |
THE *ROC-HAM* was an inspiration devoted to the hams here in ROCHESTER,NY.
UPDATE – November 06, 2020 –

Join us for the original “HEDY LAMARR DAY NET”
For the 5th straight year we will celebrating HEDY LAMARR DAY ON NOVEMBER 9TH 2020
This special event net will be on at 10am pst/1pm est, (18:00 UTC)
Help us celebrate her accomplishments and of course her 106TH Birthday.
As we celebrate her technological advancements in ham radio and
of course her silver screen roles in many movies she did throughout her career.
Join us and have fun and check in to the Echolink *ROC-HAM* Conference server node #531091or Allstar node #2585,47620
The net which will run 4 hours or longer depending on the number of checkins.
Also we will have the *DODROPIN* Conference server NODE #355800
More details will follow!!! Please check the website DODROPIN.MN.CO for further updates.
Speaking of checking in, a SPECIAL event QSL Card will be available upon request.
Just tell the net controller and they will put you down for one
and of course to obtain your special event QSL Card.
Send a S.A.S.E. (self addressed stamped envelope) to W2JLD, address is good on qrz, If you do not want to do the S.A.S.E envelope, you can also send a donation of $3.00 to cover postage and handling cost at (PAYPAL Account).
There will no electronic version of this sent
In 2019 we had a very successful event.
We had 104 checkins and 54 QSL cards sent out last year. Which was her 105th Birthday!!!!
Please join us in celebrating the technical accomplishments of a very talented yl, whom without her inventions, we would not have Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or gps. We will have the DODROPIN, HAM
So be sure to put that day aside and join us, We will have 4 great yl’s whom have taken time out of the day to celebrate this event
NEIL/ANCHOR: Actress Hedy Lamarr was as noted for her performances as her penchant for inventing in the realm of radio. There’s a party for her on Echolink – and Jim Damron N8TMW tells us about it.
JIM: Among radio enthusiasts and fellow tinkerers, the late actress Hedy Lamarr deserved her name up in lights for reasons that had nothing to do with Hollywood. An inventor with a penchant for technology the star is credited with helping develop a patented radio signaling device used during the Second World War that years later led to GPS, Bluetooth, increased security on mobile phones and Wi-Fi. In 1997 – just three years before her death at the age of 85 – she was given the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Pioneer Award.
On Monday, November 9th, which would have been her 106th birthday, the Echolink ROC-HAM Conference Server is hosting Hedy Lamarr Day with a four-hour net. Four YL net controllers will be taking check-ins and celebrating her accomplishments. The net will also be accessible on the DODROPIN Conference Server Node 355800.
For just a short while, Hedy Lamarr will also be back on the screen – the small screen in this case. Organizer John DeRycke W2JLD told Newsline that the event will be streamed on YouTube’s World Amateur Radio Day channel. It will also be heard on Broadcastify.
Be watching Netlogger – and be listening on EchoLink — for the call sign N9H and visit the QRZ page for details about a special event QSL card.
For Amateur Radio Newsline I’m Jim Damron N8TMW.
Here is some great info about HEDY LAMARR you may not have known:
Hedy Lamarr: 58 unknown facts about the actress and inventor!
1. Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler was born 9 November 1914 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary.
2. She is the only child of Gertrud “Trude” Kiesler and Emil Kiesler.
3. Her father was born to a Jewish family in Lemberg (now Lviv in Ukraine) and was a successful bank director.
4. Her mother was a pianist and Budapest native who came from an upper-class Jewish family; she had converted from Judaism to Catholicism and was described as a “practicing Christian”, who raised her daughter as a Christian.
5. Lamarr helped get her mother out of Austria (then under Nazi domination) and to the United States. Her mother later became a United States citizen.
6. Gertrud Kiesler put “Hebrew” as her race on her petition for naturalization as a United States citizen. She would live out the rest of her life in California, dying in 1977 at age 83.
7. In the late 1920s, Lamarr was discovered as an actress and brought to Berlin by producer Max Reinhardt.
Following her training in the theater,
she returned to Vienna, where she began to work in the film industry, first as a script girl, and soon as an actress.
8. In early 1933, at age 18, she starred in Gustav Machatý’s film, Ecstasy
(Ekstase in German, Extase in Czech), which was filmed in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Lamarr’s role was that of a neglected young wife married to an indifferent older man. The film became notorious for showing Lamarr’s face in the throes of orgasm as well as close-up and brief nude scenes
in which she is seen swimming and running through the woods.
9. On 10 August 1933, Lamarr married Friedrich Mandl,
an Austrian military arms merchant and munitions manufacturer who was reputedly the third-richest man in Austria.
10. Lamarr was 18 years old
and Mandl was 33. In her autobiography Ecstasy and Me, Lamarr described Mandl as an extremely controlling husband who strongly objected to her simulated orgasm scene in Ecstasy, and prevented her from pursuing her acting career.
11. Lamarr claimed she was kept a virtual prisoner in their castle home, Schloss Schwarzenau. 
12. Mandl had close social and business ties to the fascist government of Italy, selling munitions to Mussolini and, although his father was Jewish, had ties to the Nazi government of Germany as well.
13. Lamarr wrote that Mussolini and Hitler attended lavish parties at the Mandl home. Lamarr accompanied Mandl to business meetings, where he conferred with scientists and other professionals involved in military technology. These conferences were her introduction to the field of applied science and the bedrock that nurtured her latent talent in science.
14. Lamarr’s marriage to Mandl eventually became unbearable, and she decided to separate herself from both him and her country.
15. In her autobiography, she wrote that she disguised herself as her maid and fled to Paris; but by other accounts, she persuaded Mandl to let her wear all of her jewelry for a dinner party, then disappeared afterward.
16. After arriving in Paris in 1937, she met Louis B. Mayer,
who was scouting for talent in Europe. Mayer persuaded her to change her name to Hedy Lamarr (she had been known as “the Ecstasy lady”), choosing the surname in homage to the beautiful silent film star, Barbara La Marr.
17. He brought her to Hollywood in 1938, and began promoting her as the “world’s most beautiful woman”.
18. Lamarr made her American film debut in Algiers (1938), opposite Charles Boyer. The film created a “national sensation,” says Shearer.
19. She was billed as an unknown but well-publicized Austrian actress, which created anticipation in audiences. Mayer hoped she would become another Greta Garbo or Marlene Dietrich. According to one viewer, when her face first appeared on the screen, “everyone gasped…Lamarr’s beauty literally took one’s breath away.”
20. In future Hollywood films, she was invariably typecast as the archetypal, glamorous seductress of exotic origin. Lamarr played opposite the era’s most popular leading men.
21. Her many films included Boom Town (1940) with Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy, Comrade X with Gable, White Cargo (1942), Tortilla Flat (1942) with Tracy and John Garfield, H. M. Pulham, Esq. (1941) with Robert Young, and Dishonored Lady (1947). In 1941, Lamarr was cast alongside Lana Turner and Judy Garland in Ziegfeld Girl.
22. Lamarr made 18 films from 1940 to 1949, and also had two children during that time (in 1945 and 1947).
23. After leaving MGM in 1945, she enjoyed her biggest success as Delilah in Cecil B.
24. DeMille’s Samson and Delilah, the highest-grossing film of 1949, with Victor Mature as the Biblical strongman.
25. However, following a comedic role opposite Bob Hope in My Favorite Spy (1951), her career went into decline. She appeared only sporadically in films after 1950, one of her last roles being that of Joan of Arc in Irwin Allen’s critically panned epic, The Story of Mankind (1957).
26. White Cargo, one of Lamarr’s biggest hits at MGM, contains arguably her most memorable film quote, delivered with provocative invitation: “I am Tondelayo. I make tiffin for you?” This line typifies many of Lamarr’s roles, which emphasized her beauty and sexuality, while giving her relatively few lines.
27. The lack of acting challenges bored Lamarr. She reportedly took up inventing to relieve her boredom.
28. Lamarr’s earliest inventions included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a carbonated drink. The beverage was unsuccessful; Lamarr herself said it tasted like Alka-Seltzer.
29. With the ongoing World War, Lamarr was inspired to contribute to the war effort, designing a jam-proof radio guidance system for torpedoes. With the help of composer George Antheil, they drafted designs for a new frequency-hopping, spread-spectrum technology that they later patented.
30. Lamarr and Antheil realized that radio-controlled torpedoes, which could be important in the naval war, could easily be jammed, thereby causing the torpedo to go off course.
31. With the knowledge she had gained about torpedoes from her first husband, and using a method similar to the way piano rolls work, they designed a frequency-hopping system that would continually change the radio signals sent to the torpedo.
32. Their invention was granted a patent on 11 August 1942
(filed using her married name Hedy Kiesler Markey). Yet, it was technologically difficult to implement, and at that time the U.S. Navy was not receptive to considering inventions coming from outside the military.
33. Only in 1962 (at the time of the Cuban missile crisis) did an updated version of their design appear on Navy ships.The design is one of the important elements behind today’s spread-spectrum communication technology, such as modern CDMA, Wi-Fi networks, and Bluetooth technology.
34. In 1997, they received the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award and the Bulbie Gnass Spirit of Achievement Bronze Award, given to individuals whose creative lifetime achievements in the arts, sciences, business, or invention fields have significantly contributed to society.
35. She was featured on the Science Channel and the Discovery Channel.
36. In 2014, Lamarr and Antheil were posthumously inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
37. Lamarr became a naturalized citizen of the United States at age 38 on 10 April 1953.
38. In 1966, she was arrested in Los Angeles for shoplifting. The charges were eventually dropped.
39. In 1991, she was arrested on the same charge in Florida, this time for stealing $21.48 worth of laxatives and eye drops. She pleaded “no contest” to avoid a court appearance, and the charges were once again dropped in return for a promise to refrain from breaking any laws for a year.
40. Her autobiography, Ecstasy and Me, was published in 1966. However, she said on TV that it was not actually written by her, implying that much of it was fictional.
41. According to the book, she slipped into a brothel and hid in an empty room while fleeing her estranged husband, Fritz Mandl. While her husband searched the brothel, a man entered the room and she had sex with him so she could remain unrecognized. She escaped by hiring a maid who resembled her, she drugged the maid and used her uniform as a disguise to escape.
42. Lamarr later sued the publisher, saying that many of the anecdotes in the book, which was described by a judge as “filthy, nauseating, and revolting,” were fabricated by its ghost writer, Leo Guild. She was also sued in Federal Court by Gene Ringgold, who asserted the actress’s autobiography contained material from an article about her life which he wrote in 1965 for a magazine called Screen Facts.
43. The publication of her autobiography took place about a year after the accusations of shoplifting and a year after Andy Warhol’s short film Hedy (1966). The shoplifting charges coincided with a failed attempt to return to the screen in Picture Mommy Dead (1966). The role was ultimately filled by Zsa Zsa Gabor.
44. The 1970s was a decade of increasing seclusion for Lamarr. She was offered several scripts, television commercials, and stage projects, but none piqued her interest.
45. In 1974, she filed a $10-million lawsuit against Warner Bros., claiming that the running parody of her name (“Hedley Lamarr”) in the Mel Brooks’ comedy Blazing Saddles infringed her right to privacy.
46. Brooks said he was flattered. Τhe studio settled out of court for an undisclosed nominal sum and an apology to Lamarr for “almost using her name”. Brooks said that Lamarr “never got the joke”.
47. With failing eyesight, she retreated from public life and settled in Miami Beach, Florida, in 1981.
48. For several years beginning in 1997, the boxes of CorelDRAW’s software suites were graced by a large Corel-drawn image of Lamarr. The picture won CorelDRAW’s yearly software suite cover design contest in 1996. Lamarr sued Corel for using the image without her permission. Corel countered that she did not own rights to the image. The parties reached an undisclosed settlement in 1998.
49. For her contribution to the motion picture industry, Lamarr has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
at 6247 Hollywood Blvd adjacent to Vine St where the Walk is centered.
50. In her later years, Lamarr turned to plastic surgery to preserve the looks she was terrified of losing. Lamarr had to endure disastrous results. “She had her breasts enlarged, her cheeks raised, her lips made bigger, and much, much more” said her son, Anthony. “She had plastic surgery thinking it could revive her looks and her career, but it backfired and distorted her beauty”. Anthony Loder also claimed that Lamarr was addicted to pills.
51. Lamarr became estranged from her adopted son, James Lamarr Loder, when he was 12 years old. Their relationship ended abruptly and he moved in with another family. They did not speak again for almost 50 years. Lamarr left James Loder out of her will and he sued for control of the US$3.3 million estate left by Lamarr in 2000.
52. Lamarr was married and divorced six times. She adopted a son, James, in 1941, during her second marriage to Gene Markey. She went on to have two biological children, Denise (born 1945) and Anthony (born 1947), with her third husband, actor John Loder, who also adopted James.
53. The following is a list of her marriages:
Friedrich Mandl (married 1933–1937), chairman of the Hirtenberger Patronen-Fabrik.
Gene Markey (married 1939–1941), screenwriter and producer. Child: James Lamarr Markey (born 9 January 1939), adopted 12 June 1939, and re-adopted by John Loder; the child was thereafter known as James Lamarr Loder. The couple lived at 2727 Benedict Canyon Drive in Beverly Hills, California during their marriage.
John Loder (married 1943–1947), actor. Children: Denise Loder (born 19 January 1945), married Larry Colton, a writer and former baseball player, and Anthony Loder (born 1 February 1947), married Roxanne who worked for illustrator James McMullan. Anthony Loder was featured in the 2004 documentary film Calling Hedy Lamarr.
Ernest “Ted” Stauffer (married 1951–1952), nightclub owner, restaurateur, and former bandleader.
W. Howard Lee (married 1953–1960); a Texas oilman (who later married film actress Gene Tierney).
Lewis J. Boies (married 1963–1965); Lamarr’s own divorce lawyer.
54. Following her sixth and final divorce in 1965, Lamarr remained single for the last 35 years of her life.
55. Lamarr died in Casselberry, Florida, on 19 January 2000, aged 85.
56. Her death certificate cited three causes: heart failure, chronic valvular heart disease, and arteriosclerotic heart disease.
57. Her death coincided with her daughter Denise’s 55th birthday. Her son Anthony Loder took her ashes to Austria and spread them in the Vienna Woods, in accordance with her last wishes.
58. Lamarr was given an honorary grave in Vienna’s Central Cemetery in 2014. 
UPDATE – December 01, 2020 – Please join us for the 10th annual “SANTA WATCH NET” on DECEMBER 24TH 2020 at 6pm est on the *DODROPIN* Conference Node Number 355800. So join Dave/N3NTV as he host along with the guy in the big red suit. Third party checkins are always welcome. We will have of course a special event callsign N1S (Number 1 Santa) which is the first year that we have that, also we have a special event QSL card will be available to the kids who checkin. No S.A.S.E. is necessary for the kids to recieve this QSL Card. Postage and handling is taken care via Santa’s elves.

And by special arrangement via Santa he will be giving away to some lucky child that checkins a chance to win a BAOFENG UV-5R radio
Be sure to checkin and join Santa and Dave bring in some holiday cheer….HO HO HO HO HO
What a great success the Santa watch net was in 2019, Santa talked to 35 kids and those kids will recieve a special QSL Card from Santa and we had 80 checkins in the 4 hour net, Thank you to Santa and his little elf Dave/N3NTV and NORAD for tracking Santa throughout the nite as he dashed acrossed the world delivering wonferful gifts for the kids and of course for the big kids as well.
UPDATE – February 24, 2021 – January 21, 2021, 6 Year anniversary of getting my amateur radio license, a lot has happened since my last entry. To begin I ended up getting a Yasesu 857d…..I had the same radio in 2017 but had to reluctantly get rid of it and experience my first sense of seller’s remorse…well nevertheless I was on a mission to reacquire it again and finally thanks to a HAM OP on qrz I got it at a great price, bought it in 2020 december and when it got mailed to me it was 2021 of January…thanks to the slow pokey USPS, so January 8th , it was MINE!!. When I got it my hot little paws, the pictures speaks for itself, here is some pics and there is videos on the WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY YouTube channel.
While I had already been on a mission to reacquire it. I got a LDG Antenna tuner prior to getting the radio, then to top it off I found a Yaesu MD-100 DESKTOP MIC to complete my setup. So now having it for more than 30 days and it was definitely worth the wait. Of course had to get a new G5RV Antenna as well as a END FED 31FT Antenna. Finally finished the stages of grounding my station with both the RADIO and the ANTENNA tuner grounded with a bus bar and 8awg wire going out to the ground rod connection outside my window just to be safe. I have also intragrated HAM RADIO DELUXE into my station via the data ports on the tuner…which was a bit of a chore to do. In some of the pics you will see ive got my batteries hooked to it as well as a digital watt and power meter inline with anderson powerpoles.

UPDATE – April 8,2021 – Well after getting my YEASU FT-857D on January 8th 2021, 90 days later on April 8th, I sold my YAESU FT-857D and got it rehomed to make room for a YAESU FT-991A RADIO. The FT-991A should be here by monday and ill post some pics of my new setup and hopefully that will be it for radios, im sad to see the 857d go but what i paid for the 991a i could not pass up a great deal.
So ill post pics of my new setup when I get it….STAY TUNED!!!
UPDATE – April 13,2021 – As of April 12th 2021 I’m now the proud ownwer of a YAESU FT-991A radio……Only took 2.5 hrs to get accustomed to the radio. Here are some pics of the beautiful machine.

World Amateur Radio Day 2021 – APRIL 18TH – 9AM EST/13.00UTC
ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference server node number 531091
Allstar node number 2585, 47620, 53130, 53130
No matter where WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY is celebrated, be part of something that’s bigger than all of us.
Come by the original WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY Celebration that started in 2015, I came up with an idea to recognize World Amateur Radio Day that noone else came up with while I was a net controller on another echolink conference and after leaving that conference it was moved to another echolink conference where it was welcomed with open arms and since 2015 the event has grown 10 fold. Now that I have my own Echolink Conference the ROC-HAM, The special event now has a permanant home, where I will continue doing what I started in 2015.
This special event is put on to bring people together, celebrate and explore the world of amateur radio. Have great fellowships, makes friends, learn new things, whether your special event is a large one or a small one its all about celebrating amateur radio. So make sure you stop by to one of the LARGEST special event on VOIP/Echolink on the *ROC-HAM* Echolink conference node 531091.
Let’s make this special event huge, support “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY” and see if we can break the record of 490 checkins, you have 16 hours to do so.
Last year we brought together 490 ham radio operators, many of them from all over the world connecting via different modes, many from different cultures. During this pandemic the theme of “Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone” certainly lived up to it theme…….It was a time where more ham radio licenses were issued in any other time…..ham radio was a vital link for so many people……but have we not been social distancing from the very begining. So now its time to celebration amateur radio and what it means to be part of something bigger than all of us.
So make sure you stop by checkin with all the net controllers and grab a special event qsl card. We will also have a live stream on the original WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY YouTube channel…..
PAUL/ANCHOR: Speaking of the IARU, it’s almost time to mark its 96th anniversary. The worldwide celebration includes this one happening on Echolink. Kevin Trotman N5PRE tells us about it.
KEVIN: Like the International Amateur Radio Union itself, one net celebrating the IARU’s founding has undergone plenty of changes since its inception. The net began modestly on Echolink in 2015 when John DeRycke (Duh Rikey) W2JLD said he noticed there were no celebrations being held in that mode to mark the IARU’s founding in Paris in 1925. It has grown in subsequent years to include other modes and extended hours of operation. This year’s net will span 16 hours with 10 to 12 net controllers from around the world and the special event call sign W7W. Hams will be checking in on the ROC-HAM Echolink conference node 531091 and on Allstar 2585. Other conferences will be linked in including the *DODROPIN* NODE 355800, WALES NODE 485040 and the South Wales Digital Group node 676659. Users of DMR and the Hamshack Hotline will also be able to check in.
For full details of the celebration visit the QRZ page for W7W and to view the QSL card marking the event.
For Amateur Radio Newsline I’m Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
This 16 hour net will be from 9am est April 18th to 1am est April 19th, this is the first time we will be doing a 16 hour net, as always we will have a special event QSL Card that you can obtain via a S.A.S.E., If you are getting more than one qsl card make sure you adhere the proper postage to your S.A.S.E.
We do also international request, so dont be afraid to ask for a card, and I dont think I need to draw a picture of how to do a self addressed stamped envelope, the ham radio community that I know is intelligent enough to know how. There are more than enough special event qsl cards to go around so check in with each net controllers and get a card, remember if your getting more than 1 card make sure you have proper postage on your S.AS.E.
If you do not want to do the S.A.S.E. option you can donate $5.00 usd to cover postage and handling cost to my paypal account at
If you are using the paypal method and are looking to get more that one qsl card please add 2.00$ to cover additional postage and handling cost.
The *ROC-HAM* ECHOLINK Conference server has been given authorization for the 6th straight year from the IARU and ARRL for this on the air celebration. “The IARU has endorsed the WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY celebration with W2JLD for 6 years, and will continue to support this special event. Keep up the fine work you do for amateur radio.”
UPDATE – APRIL 22, 2021 – Well you guys did it again for the 6th straight you have shown that this special has made a mark on the ham radio community that i know.
Even with the covid virus, you have shown that you enjoyed WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2021 on the ROC-HAM conference.
Here are some stats for this event:
621 checkins
405 new checkins
378 newly licensed checkins
345 first time checkins to a special event
510 qsl cards request
21 different countries
As special event coordinator for this event, I am just amazed at the number of newly licensed hams that checked in for the first time and hams that had never checked into a special event before.
Thank you so very much for making this a huge success and making this the LARGEST special event on the VOIP system…you guys ROC!!!!!!
How we can celebrate this event
It started in 2015 when W2JLD/John just got his license and he did his first WARD event on another Echolink/VOIP Conference, while it was in its infancy, it never the less was a way to celebrate not only what APRIL 18TH means, but it was a way show what we do on amateur radio. Who would ever think that this would be a regular event and how much it has grown to become one of the flagship special events on the Echolink/VOIP System and now has a permanent home on the Echolink/VOIP *Roc-Ham* Conference node #531091 and on Allstar node #2585
This net will also air on the *DODROPIN* Echolink node 355800 as well as the *WALES* Echolink node and the *SWDG* Echolink node. If you would like to connect for this specail event please connect via the *ROC-HAM* Conference, that conference can handle upto 500 connections.
Be sure to look us up on youtube channel “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY“, We will have the entire audio stream for this special event
While 2021 will mark our 6th anniversary of this event, it also shows how much we as a group of like minded individuals who have made this hobby what it is today.
The 2020 event, We recorded over 495 check ins, 27 International stations, 18 countries, 200 new check ins. The net lasted 12 hours and 15 minutes, with 10 net controllers . We had over 225 QSL card request. We were happy to announce that last year’s net was the LARGEST SPECIAL event on VOIP/ECHOLINK.
As Special event coordinator for this event none of this could have possible if not for the over 400 check ins and the 10 great net controllers who took time out of their day and contributed time for this event.
VOIP/ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091
18 – 19 April 13:00 — 05:00 UTC (9AM EDT-1AM EDT) via VOIP/ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091/Allstar #2585. W2JLD, VO1UKZ, GW8SZL, 2W0KYH, Net Controllers. All stations from around the world are encouraged to check in. Special event qsl Card will be available via S.A.S.E.
VOIP/ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091
18 – 19 April 13:00 — 04:00 UTC (9AM EDT-1AM EDT) via VOIP/ECHOLINK *ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091/Allstar #2585. W2JLD, VO1UKZ, GW8SZL, 2W0KYH, Net Controllers. All stations from around the world are encouraged to check in. Special event qsl Card will be available via S.A.S.E.
“World Amateur Radio Day 2021”
*ROC-HAM* Conference node #531091 today announced that for the 6th straight year, we will be participating in WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY on APRIL 18TH, 2021.
Join us as we celebrate the 96th year of the formation of the I.A.R.U in Paris, France in 1925, Since 1925, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has been the watchdog and spokesman for the world Amateur Radio community. All licensed radio amateurs benefit from the work of the IARU, whether or not they are members of their national IARU member-society. But every licensed radio amateur should be a member. “Only by combining our efforts in this way can we ensure the future health of Amateur Radio, for ourselves and for future generations”.
Special Theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2021 Announced
The IARU Administrative Council has chosen “Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone” as the theme for World Amateur Radio Day, Sunday, 18 April 2021. Faced with a pandemic that forced the adoption of extreme physical isolation to reduce the spread of the virus, the worldwide amateur radio community responded positively to overcome the resulting social isolation. In the days and weeks following the onset of the pandemic radio amateurs reached out spontaneously to one another via the airwaves at the local, national, and global levels. Local “wellness nets” provided friendly voices and regular status checks to those, especially the elderly, who are confined to their homes. “Stay safe” special event stations in dozens of countries reminded us all of the importance of limiting the spread of the virus. On-the-air activity was at an unprecedented level throughout the remainder of 2020, with record-breaking numbers of entries in the major contests.
Special Theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2021 Announced
The IARU Administrative Council has chosen “Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone” as the theme for World Amateur Radio Day, Sunday, 18 April 2021. Faced with a pandemic that forced the adoption of extreme physical isolation to reduce the spread of the virus, the worldwide amateur radio community responded positively to overcome the resulting social isolation. In the days and weeks following the onset of the pandemic radio amateurs reached out spontaneously to one another via the airwaves at the local, national, and global levels. Local “wellness nets” provided friendly voices and regular status checks to those, especially the elderly, who are confined to their homes. “Stay safe” special event stations in dozens of countries reminded us all of the importance of limiting the spread of the virus. On-the-air activity was at an unprecedented level throughout the remainder of 2020, with record-breaking numbers of entries in the major contests.
Special Theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2021 Announced
The IARU Administrative Council has chosen “Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone” as the theme for World Amateur Radio Day, Sunday, 18 April 2021. Faced with a pandemic that forced the adoption of extreme physical isolation to reduce the spread of the virus, the worldwide amateur radio community responded positively to overcome the resulting social isolation. In the days and weeks following the onset of the pandemic radio amateurs reached out spontaneously to one another via the airwaves at the local, national, and global levels. Local “wellness nets” provided friendly voices and regular status checks to those, especially the elderly, who are confined to their homes. “Stay safe” special event stations in dozens of countries reminded us all of the importance of limiting the spread of the virus. On-the-air activity was at an unprecedented level throughout the remainder of 2020, with record-breaking numbers of entries in the major contests.
Special event qsl Card will be available via S.A.S.E. or send 5$ for postage and handling to my paypal account:
Special Theme for World Amateur Radio Day 2021 Announced
The IARU Administrative Council has chosen “Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone” as the theme for World Amateur Radio Day, Sunday, 18 April 2021. Faced with a pandemic that forced the adoption of extreme physical isolation to reduce the spread of the virus, the worldwide amateur radio community responded positively to overcome the resulting social isolation. In the days and weeks following the onset of the pandemic radio amateurs reached out spontaneously to one another via the airwaves at the local, national, and global levels. Local “wellness nets” provided friendly voices and regular status checks to those, especially the elderly, who are confined to their homes. “Stay safe” special event stations in dozens of countries reminded us all of the importance of limiting the spread of the virus. On-the-air activity was at an unprecedented level throughout the remainder of 2020, with record-breaking numbers of entries in the major contests.
In 2021 we are proud to announce we will have a special event call sign “W7W” has been secured for this event. As well as we will have a commemorative special event “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2021” QSL Card. We will have a 16 hour net with 8 different net controllers from all over the world, from 9am est. April 18th till 1am est April 19th.(1300 UTC- 0400 UTC)
In 2022 we are proud to announce that we have secured our original “W2W” Special event callsign, so make sure you stop by in 2022 and again help us celebrate WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY!!!!!!

Here is a list of net controllers for WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2021!!!
6am – 8am – 9am – 11am – 13:00 – 15:00 – W2JLD – JOHN – ROCH, NEW YORK – Special event coordinator for “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY” – 2 hr
8am – 10am – 11am – 1pm – 15:00 – 17:00 – 2W0KYH – DECLAN – SOUTH WALES,UK – Net controller for the SCARS – 2 hrs
10am – 12noon – 1pm – 3pm – 17:00 – 19:00 – GW8SZL – DAVE – SOUTH WALES,UK – System admin for the SWDG Conference – 2hrs
12noon – 2pm – 3pm – 5pm – 19:00 – 21:00 – VO1UKZ – DARYYLL – NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA – System admin for DODROPIN – 2 hrs
2pm – 3pm – 5pm – 6pm – 21:00 – 22:00 – KI7RMU – JACK – NET CONTROLLER ON THE PUDGET SOUND REPEATER WW7PSR – 1 hr
3pm -4pm – 6pm – 7pm – 22:00 – 23:00 – VA3ODJ – DESIREE – NET CONTROLLER FOR THE ALASKA MORNING NET ON SUNDAYS – 1hr
4pm – 6pm – 7pm – 9pm – 23:00 – 01:00 – KK6LOE – DIANE – NET MANGER ON THE HANDIHAM ECHOLINK CONFERENCE – 2 hrs
6pm – 7pm – 9pm – 10pm – 01:00 – 02:00 – KD2GUT – CARYN EVE – AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE REPORTER – 1 hr
7pm – 9pm – 10pm – 12pm- 02.00 – 04:00 – N3NTV – DAVE – NET CONTROLLER FOR SANTA WATCH NET IN DECEMBER – 2 hrs
9pm – 10pm – 12pm – 1am – 04:00 – 05:00 – KG7KA – LOREN – NET CONTROLLER FOR ALASKA MORNING NET ON MONDAYS – 1 hr
UPDATE – MAY 2, 2021

UPDATE – MAY 6, 2021 – Got a very nice certificate from the great guys on the TEN-TEC Legacy nets. Thank you guys!!
UPDATE – JANUARY 30, 2022 – Here we are again, never thought i’d have done this but I could not turn down a good deal when I find one. So in a nutshell I came across a used YAESU FT-991 Radio from a local ham here. Now when I got into this hobby never thought I’d have what I have thus far. To say the least…IM ADDICTED!!!!
I got this for the sole purpose to take mobile and since im getting ready very soon to take my general test…im looking forward to playing on hf bands and leave the FT-991A as my home radio
I think I need some HAM RADIO REHAB!!!……So I looked in google and there is no REHAB for HAMS!!!
All joking aside it feels good to have a couple of great radios. Here are some pics of my new aquisition.

UPDATE – FEBUARY 23, 2022 – As well all know the face of amateur radio is for ever changing, so with that being said, the state of my amateur radio ham shack has changed again……not even 3 weeks and 4 days later, I have sold my Yaesu FT-991 to a local ham here in Rochester. Now I am on the hunt for YAESU FTDX10 Radio………..this radio just came out last year…so now im looking to update my shack and aquire that radio, I also have since rehomed my sdruno and rsp1a unit.
My goal is getting the Yaesu FTDX10 radio so i can plug my 25 inch monitor to the back of the radio and see everything bigger and be able to control it via a mouse….so details will follow…..hopefully within the next couple weeks i can get one at a good price……..till next time…73
UPDATE – FEBUARY 25, 2022 – Well after spending 2 days searching the net for a Yeasu FTDX10. I am happy to announce that I have effectively found one and purchased it. Now waiting for it to arrive. This radio is going to step up my hf game quite a bit…..stay tuned for more pics and info…….
UPDATE – MARCH 1, 2022 – Got the new Yeasu FTDX10 radio at 10:30am and by 4:30pm I had it all set up. First I did the firmware update. which was much easier than the firmware update on the FT-991A. I was so excited to get it, I did an inpromptu unboxing video.
On a good note I didnt have to move around a lot of the ham shack desk. now it sits where the FT-991 did and the FT-991A is on top of the FTDX10. I have never ever bought a brand new radio. Wow what a feeling……now ive got to get my darn general!!!
And most importantly I made my first contact with it on 28.400 to a station in PR, and the guy sent me a EQSL Card already…….
Of course what would be a new radio in the ham shack without some nice pics……so here we go and I did some vids that I will post to Youtube channel.

Just added a Dell 25 inch monitor on the wall starting to run out of desk space…hi hi
UPDATE – APRIL 13, 2022@7:13pm – Where do I start just passed my general test tonight……yehawww after 7 years and on the 13th day of april I am now a general!!!!
I guess 7 and 13 are lucky numbers for me!!!!
Now the fun begins!!!
By the way, Thank you to the GLAARC for administrating the test
UPDATE – APRIL 21, 2022 – Picked up a YEASU M90S Microphone for the boom, not a bad mic what so ever. Here are a few pics
YSU-M-90MS Black Studio Mic Head w/Bracket, Inline PTT Hand Switch + Modular 8-pin Connector |

UPDATE – MAY 5, 2022 – Ended up getting a Imax 2000 antenna for 10 meters. Got set up and running within 1 hour of getting it…….Made 2 contacts on 17m to Italy and to Luthiania. Works great for the 10 meter net on sat nites. Here are a few pics.

UPDATE – MAY 8, 2022– Ended up getting a 66ft EFHW antenna today…….got it going from the ground up the fire escape out to the tree, from the tree down to the ground. The antenna is rated for 25 watts or less which is great for Qrp work.

Not a bad antenna …going to be useful for this summer …hopefully i can get to a park and setup and transmit
UPDATE – JUNE 1, 2022 – I have been doing alot of hunting lately and boy it is hard work……….the rewards are great if you work towards it. Proof is in the pudding

UPDATE – JULY 30, 2022 – Just picked up the MFJ 826B SWR/WATT METER DIGITAL unit today, got it from a ham on qrz at a greeeaaat price. Here is a few pics of it.

UPDATE – AUGUST 8, 2022 – Just picked up the MFJ 939 Intellituner unit today, got it got it for the ftdx10. Here is a pic of it.

UPDATE – SEPTMBER 12, 2022 – Just picked up the Yaesu MD-90 Desktop Mic unit today, got it got it for the ft991a. Here is a few pics of it.

UPDATE – SEPTMBER 27, 2022 – Just picked up another Yaesu FTDX10 unit today, looking forward to get that setup and have 2 radios going.
Ham shack is changing quite a bit this year!!!
Pics will follow!!
UPDATE – SEPTMBER 30, 2022 – Another Yaesu FTDX10 found it’s way to my qth. Who said 2 radios are better than 1….id like to shake his hands……
Pics of new addition will follow, the ham shack has changed its face multiple times in 2022. Never bought 2 HF rigs in the same year.

UPDATE – OCTOBER 19, 2022 – Got myself another MFJ-939Y ,this one will be for the ft991a. Now each radio has that tuner on it. Great tuner, works well.
Used my IMAX2000 this past week and have logged over 40 hf contacts. The IMAX2000 will tune 10m no problem without a tuner. Looking forward to getting that this afternoon. Again the ham shacks has changed its face.
UPDATE – OCTOBER 20, 2022 – Got the MFJ-939Y installed, now all my radios have a antenna tuner. Here is an updated photo of my shack now….what will the future bring to this shack!!!!!

UPDATE – NOVEMBER 30, 2022 – The ham shack is always changing, rehomed the Yaesu FTDX10 to make room for a new old stock radio…got it at a great price..looking forward to playing with it.
UPDATE – DECEMBER 30, 2022 – Well where do I start, as fate would have it. I picked up another Yaesu 857D from a ham on QRZ very good price. This is my 3rd Yaesu 857d that i have owned.
My first was in 2017 and the I got another one in 2021 sold that to make room for a Yaesu FT991A in 2022. So now here I am again with another one in January 2023. This is like NOS= NEW OLD STOCK.
After 3 of them I dont think this one is going any where any time soon…she’s a keeper!!
Here are a few pictures of the new additions to the ham shack

UPDATE – JANUARY 17, 2023 –, 8 Year anniversary of getting my amateur radio license, a lot has happened since 2015, currently studying for my extra class, hopefully by spring ill have it.
UPDATE – JANUARY 30, 2023 – Just got a DTMF Mic for the Yaesu 857d, here is a pic of the new mic

UPDATE – MARCH 2, 2023 – Here is a new pic of the ham shack.

UPDATE – APRIL 1, 2023 – Here is the awards from POTA. Have really enjoyed participation in this.

UPDATE – APRIL 30, 2023 – Well where do I start, as fate would have it. After owning 3 YEASU 857D’S, I have to say that I have rehomed my 3rd 857d to a ham in Pennsylvania.
Some how I have a feeling that maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but I think that radio is destined to be mine again. So I am sure there will be another one I can get. Now I am down to 2 rigs. Working on getting a better antenna system up, such as a hex beam with a Yaesu rotator. It was hard to say good bye but I know the new ham will get loads of use out of it. So good bye to you my ole freind until we meet again.
UPDATE – JUNE 12, 2023 – Well I just happened to pick up a pair of YAESU SP-30 speakers for the FTDX10 and after getting them , I added baffling to them to enhance the sound coming out of them and I have to say that WOW what a big difference adding the baffling to them made…the sound is much richer, great high’s and perfect midrange and just enough bass.
A great addition tot he FTDX10 station. Here is a pic of the twins!!

UPDATE – JULY 22, 2023 – Just an update , picked up a YAESU G-450A ANTENNA ROTATOR AND CONTROLLER. Got from a great ham on QRZ…I could not pass this up plus it is in line with my antenna project for 2023…putting up a hexbeam on the house in the back.
Here are some pics of the great find.
I will keep posting picss of the progress and the hardware……next is the bottom clamps, then the mast, then the tripod for the roof…pictures will follow!!!
UPDATE – AUGUST 7, 2023 – News from the hexbeam project, so far the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Got the 75ft of rotator cable from HRO, got the lower rotator mast clamps from HRO, got the tripod from a place here in rochester. Picked up 75 ft of rg213 coax,line loss is the same as lmr400. So now as I move forward and have learned so much from doing this…and trying to get the pieces as cheap as possible…I know if i put my mind to it i can accomplish whatever project comes my way in amateur radio.
im hoping by labor day or thereso to have it up…….
UPDATE – AUGUST 11, 2023 – Well good news i got the tripod for the roof and i mounted the mast that came with it and it works perfect for the rotator , so I got motivated and assembled the rotator portion. It looks heavy duty.
Here are some pics

next step is to get the 75ft of rg213 coax to come in and then the antenna assembly will begin…stayed tuned for more details.
Got the 75ft of RG-213 COAX…..I am almost there!!!!

Next pictures will be the antenna box and contents, I will make a youtube video of its assembly…..
UPDATE – OCTOBER 14, 2023 – Where do I start. Again as fate would have it. I picked up another Yaesu 857D(imagine that) from a ham on QRZ very good price. This is my 4th Yaesu 857d that I have owned.
My first was in 2017 and the I got another one in 2021 sold that to make room for a Yaesu FT991A in 2022, then got another one in Jan of 2023, sold that in April 2023. So now here I am again with another one in October of 2023.
After 4 of them I dont think this one is going any where any time soon…she’s a keeper!!(I know I said that on my 3rd one but I must admit I will try to keep this as long as possible).
UPDATE – OCTOBER 18, 2023 – Here we are again, got the radio today. Took me less than 15 mins to setup. Got it setup to the MFJ-939Y tuner and it works as it should. Glad to have it back in the shack again. A big Thank you goes out to the great ham from QRZ that sold me this one. Currently looking for another MFJ-939Y.
I will have pictures coming soon.

Been using it on the 33ft ef I have in front of the house…..of course inside im using it for a lot of POTA stations……….For a radio that is 22 years old and the fact to this day it is still in high demand only tells you how successful YAESU was when it built this radio. It was built to last and even after they released the YEASU FT-891 it still was not like the 857D radio. I am really glad I found this, had a hiccup in the begining but it seems to have worked itself out for the time being. Looking forward to really taking it in a field day like situation.
Would love to take it somewhere there is water and setup a station, whether it is with a EF Halfwave or a Vertical.
UPDATE – NOVEMBER 10, 2023 – I picked up a raspberry pi 2b and got it started with HAM CLOCK, took a bit of a learning cure, but after a few hours it got it on the pi and also got the HAM PI on another sd card. I ordered another raspberry pi 2b. That will come with a power cord, case, and of course the pi.
Been wanting the ham clock for some time and only realized what stopped me was fear, yes fear of something new. So I dived in head first and learned more about HAM CLOCK and HAM PI in one day, than I could in a month.
Here are some pics and of course I had to move some things around.

UPDATE – NOVEMBER 30, 2023 – After 2.5 years of service my YEASU FT-991A is going to be rehomed. Looking to get another ftdx10 radio, I have my YAESU 857D to do 2m and 70cm bands……… here is the ad that i have listed in cragslist
Yaesu ft-991a w/accessories…………….SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12/17/2023
Yaesu ft-991a Complete setup, all you’ll need is an antenna.
this package includes:
Yaesu ft-991a radio , have had since July of 2021, it comes with the original box, microphone with box, power cord with Anderson power-poles on one end. Has latest firmware update. This radio is in pristine condition… This radio works as it should, nothing wrong with it.
I have videos on YOUTUBE of the radio working…i can send you the link
If your interested in getting this radio then you know pretty much what it can do….for more info go to and look up the specs.
This radio is perfect for a base station and or mobile doing POTA or other mobile situations,this has never been mobile…..Just sitting on my ham shack desk.
Ive used this radio with a 66ft end fed and a g5rv jr, imax2000 both of them proved very well with this radio
This radio is in near perfect condition, 9+ of out 10 cosmetically.
I am looking to get $990.00 for this setup.
I accept venmo and paypal(F&F), buyers pays shipping from Rochester,ny your qth and this will be double boxed, insured with tracking number provided.
when using venmo they have a liability for buyers, so you will be protected as well thru them.
I will not take trades as always cash is king.
There has been questions as to the listing stating that it is brand new and then i state i am the second owner. The first owner never ever used.

UPDATE – NOVEMBER 30, 2023 – Picked up a mini antenna tuner, the ANTUNER AT100M 1.8MHz-30MHz 100W Tuner Built-in Standing Wavemeter. Got it from EBAY. Going to use it on the YAESU 857D.
Looks like it will do the job with the 857d……….only one way to find out!!!!
Pics will follow when i get it. STAY TUNED!

Got the tuner on Monday and within a couple hours I was making contacts…..nice little tuner. Love the SWR and FWD and REF power indicators.
So far it has worked on 20m,40m – I am using a G5RV JR on the 857D.
I will do a YOUTUBE video on it soon
UPDATE – DECEMBER 17, 2023 – The Yaesu FT-991A has been rehomed to a ham in bremerton,washington. He will enjoy this radio as much as I have…….now time to hunt for a second FTDX10
UPDATE – FEBRUARY 18, 2024 – After 4 months, I can say I have put the YAESU 857D thru its paces…..made more than 300 contacts. Picked up a INRAD 2.3mhz filter, this is a receive only filter…gives it good high end. Got a TXCO filter, that will be here next week.
Looking for ward till the weather is a bit better, so I can get out with it…..stay tuned!!!
UPDATE – MARCH 28, 2024 – Well I picked up some 3D printed side rails for the Yaesu 857D from a vendor on EBAY, cost was less than 30$……they did advertise them as 4 pieces but after contacting the vendor he agreed to make them both one single rail for each side…Looking forward to getting them today and see how they work out and look.
I will take some pics and post them here as well as do a video for them….stay tuned!!!