How much RAM does the Raspberry Pi model B+ have?

A:  512 MB
B:  612 MB
C:  712 MB
D:  812 MB

What is the clock speed of a Raspberry Pi model B+ ?

A:  100MHz
B:  300MHz
C:  500MHz
D:  700MHz

Which one of the following can be used for multitasking?

A:  A Raspberry Pi
B:  An Arduino Uno
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

The supply voltage for Raspberry Pi model B is arround

A:  5V
B:  10V
C:  20V
D:  60V

How many USB ports does the Raspberry Pi zero WH have?

A:  One
B:  Two
C:  Three
D:  Four

How many USB ports does the Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ have?

A:  One
B:  Two
C:  Three
D:  Four

In which year was the Raspberry Pi 2 model B launched?

A:  2015
B:  2019
C:  2020
D:  2021

W2JLD 03-04-2022

How many USB ports does the Raspberry Pi model A+ have?

A:  One
B:  Two
C:  Three
D:  Four

In which year was the Raspberry Pi 3 model B launched?

A:  2015
B:  2016
C:  2020
D:  2021

How much RAM does the Raspberry Pi 3 model A+ have?

A:  512MB
B:  4GB
C:  8GB
D:  10GB

What is the average speed of a Raspberry Pi 400?

A:  200MHz
D:  1800MHz
C:  1200MHz
D:  2000MHz

Which SOC (System on Chip) is used in Raspberry Pi model A+?

A:  BCM2835
B:  BCM2836
C:  BCM2837
D:  None of the above

In what year was the Raspberry Pi model 3B+ released?

A:  2015
B:  2018
C:  2020
D:  2021

What is the maximum RAM a Raspberry Pi 4 model B can have?

A:  1GB
B:  4GB
C:  8GB
D:  10GB

What is the speed of a Raspberry Pi Zero WH?

A:  1000MHz
B:  2000MHz
C:  3000MHz
D:  4000MHz

What are the advantages of a Raspberry Pi?

A:  Consumes less power
B:  Low-cost
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

How many GPIO pins does a Raspberry Pi model B+ have?

A:  7
B:  12
C:  25
D:  40

The speed of raspberry pi 4 model B is about?

A:  1000MHz
B:  1500MHz
C:  3000MHz
D:  4000MHz

In which of the following models is the SOC (System on Chip) BCM2711 used?

A:  Raspberry Pi 3 model B+
B:  Raspberry Pi 4 model B
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

How many GPIO pins does Raspberry Pi model A have?

A:  7
B:  12
C:  26
D:  40

What are the capabilities of Raspberry Pi?

A:  Browsing the internet
B:  Making spreadsheets
C:  Word Processing
D:  All of the above

What is the speed of Raspberry Pi 3 model A+ ?

A:  1000MHz
B:  1500MHz
C:  3000MHz
D:  1400MHz

In which year Raspberry Pi 1 model A+ was released?

A:  2020
B:  2021
C:  2014
D:  2013

What is the speed of a Raspberry Pi 2 model B?

A:  900MHz
B:  1500MHz
C:  3000MHz
D:  1400MHz

What SOC (System on Chip) is used in a Raspberry Pi 3 model A+?

A:  BCM2837B0
B:  BCM2837A0
C:  BCM2711
D:  None of the above

The software Pulse Width Modulation in a Raspberry Pi 3 model B is available on what GPIO pins?

A:  GPIO12
B:  GPIO18
C:  GPIO19
D:  All of the above

What is the speed of Raspberry Pi 3 model B?

A:  1200MHz
B:  1500MHz
C:  3000MHz
D:  1400MHz

What is the speed of a Raspberry Pi Zero?

A:  1 GHz
B:  1.27 GHz
C:  1.8 GHz
D:  1.9 GHz

What is does MISO stand for on the Raspberry Pi GPIO?

A:  Master In Slave Out
B:  Memory Input Slave Output
C:  Master Out Slave In
D:  None of the above

What are the UART pins on Raspberry Pi 3 model B board?

A:  GPIO14
B:  GPIO15
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

Which port is used to connect the Raspberry Pi to a local network or the internet?

A:  Ethernet port
B:  HDMI port
C:  Micro USB port
D:  None of the above

What is the speed of Raspberry Pi model A+?

A:  700MHz
B:  1500MHz
C:  3000MHz
D:  1400MHz

In which of the following can a Raspberry Pi be used?

A:  Home automation and security systems
B:  Media center
C:  HD surveillance camera
D:  All of the above

W2JLD 20-03-2022

Which one of the following is a microcontroller?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

Which one of the following is a microcomputer?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry Pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

Which of the following uses a micro SD card as an operating system?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry Pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

Which of the following uses a boot loader on a chip?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry Pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

Which of the following has USB, Camera, Display, Audio, and Video Connections?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry Pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

Which one of the following has both I2C and SPI buses?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry Pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

GW8SZL 25-09-2022

The Raspberry Pi has what kind of input and output ports?

A:  Digital I/O
B:  Analog inputs
C:  Analog outputs
D:  All of the above

GW8SZL  13-02-2022

What is the supply voltage needed to run a Raspberry Pi?

A:  1V
B:  2V
C:  5V
D:  12V

Which of the following is a commercially patented product?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry Pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

The raspberry pi is a commercial patented product

Which one of the following is an open-source design?

A:  Arduino
B:  Raspberry Pi
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

How many analogue static RAM inputs does a Raspberry Pi have?

A:  20
B:  0
C:  26
D:  50

How many analog inputs does Arduino have?

A:  20
B:  6-16
C:  26
D:  50

Which command is used to change the directory on a Raspberry Pi?

A:  cd
B:  pwd
C:  ls
D:  None of the above

What is the purpose of the chmod command?

A:  Change the Operating  System
B:  Change the working directory
C:  Change the permission of a directory or file
D:  Change the user Mode

GW8SZL 08-05-2022

What is the purpose of the ifconfig command?

A:  Show OS information
B:  Show past commands
C:  Change the permission of a directory or file
D:  Used to get the network information

Which one of the following is not a Unix?

A:  Windows
B:  Linux
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

How much power does a Raspberry Pi model B+ consume?

A:  1W
B:  2W
C:  3.3W
D:  3.5W

Which command shows bootup messages?

A: dmesg
B:  free-h
C:  Ishw
D:  None of the above

Which command comes under Raspberry Pi networking commands?

A:  Ishw
B:  unzip
C: ifconfig
D:  None of the above

Which command comes under Raspberry Pi terminal commands?

A:  ssh
B:  cp
C:  rm
D:  All of the above

Which command is used to check the current hostname?

A:  ssh
B:  cp
C:  rm
D:  hostname

Which command is used to remove a directory?

A:  ssh
B:  cp
C:  rm
D:  rmdir

Which command is used to create a new directory?

A:  ssh
B:  cp
C:  mkdir
D:  rmdir

Which command is used for immediate shutdown?

A:  power off
B:  shutdown
C:  Both A and B
D:  None of the above

Which command is used to restart the Raspberry Pi?

A:  power off
B:  shutdown
C:  restart
D:  None of the above

What is the type of CPU used in Raspberry Pi model B+ ?

A:  ARM11
B:  QuadcortexA7
C:  QuadcortexA53
D:  None of the above

What is the type of CPU used in the original Raspberry Pi 2 model B ?

A:  ARM11
B:  QuadcortexA7
C:  QuadcortexA53
D:  None of the above

W2JLD (15-05-2011)

What is the type of CPU used in Raspberry Pi 3 model B?

A:  ARM11
B:  QuadcortexA7
C:  QuadcortexA53
D:  None of the above

What is the type of CPU used in Raspberry Pi Zero B?

A:  ARM11
B:  QuadcortexA7
C:  QuadcortexA53
D:  None of the above

What does CSI stand for?

A:  Camera Serial Interface
B:  Common Serial Interface
C:  Complex Serial Interface
D:  None of the above

What does HDMI stand for?

A:  High Definition Multimedia Interface
B:  High Display Multimedia Interface
C:  High Description Multimedia Interface
D:  None of the above

How much GPU memory does the Raspberry Pi 3 model B have?

A:  512 MB SDRAM
C:  112 MB SDRAM
D:  612 MB SDRAM

What is does GPU stand for?

A:  Graphics Processing Unit
B:  Graphics Processed Unit
C:  Graphics Processor Unit
D:  None of the above

Which type of GPU is used in the Raspberry Pi B+ model?

A:  Video core IV
B:  Power VR SG X 530
C:  Power VR SG X 540
D:  None of the above

How much GPU memory does the Raspberry Pi model B+ have?

A:  512 MB SDRAM
B:  212 MB SDRAM
C:  112 MB SDRAM
D:  612 MB SDRAM

How much GPU memory does the Raspberry Pi 2 model B have?

A:  512 MB SDRAM
C:  112 MB SDRAM
D:  612 MB SDRAM

What does DSI stand for?

A:  Display Serial Interface
B:  Digital Serial Interface
C:  Digital/Display Serial Interface
D:  None of the above

How much GPU memory does the Raspberry Pi Zero model have?

A:  512 MB SDRAM
C:  112 MB SDRAM
D:  612 MB SDRAM

In which year was the Raspberry Pi 1 model A released?

A:  2020
B:  2021
C:  2019
D:  2013

In which year was the Raspberry Pi 1 model B released?

A:  2012
B:  2021
C:  2014
D:  2013

GW8SZL  30-01-2022

What is the CPU speed of a Raspberry Pi 3 model B?

A:  1.2 GHz
B:  1.27 GHz
C:  1.8 GHz
D:  1.9 GHz

W2JLD – 06-02-2022

What does MOSI stand for on the Raspberry Pi GPIO?

A:  Master Input Slave Output
B:  Memory Input Slave Output
C:  Master Out Slave In
D:  None of the above

Which of the following is not an impact of overclocking?

A: More instructions executed per unit time
B: Increased Power Consumption
C: Improved temperature profile
D: Reduced Reliability

What is NOOBS?

A: New Out Of The Box Software
C: NOOBS is a smart OS installing tool.
D: NOOBS contains Raspbian out of the box.

NOOBS also provides a choice to install an alternative operating system that can be downloaded from the internet.

GW8SZL 27-02-2022

In what year did the Raspberry Pi Foundation announce that they exceeded 1 million units sold?

A: 2013
B: 2017
C: 2019
D: 2020

W2JLD 20-03-2022

Which instruction set architecture is used in the Raspberry Pi?

A: X86

What is the default user in Debian on a Raspberry Pi?

A: Default
B: User
C: Pi
D: Root

What bit processor is used in a Raspberry Pi 3?

A: 64 bit

B: 32 bit

C: 128 bit

D: Both 64 and 32 bit

WiFi is not present in which of the following Raspberry Pi models?

A: Raspberry Pi 3

B: Raspberry Pi Zero WH

C: Raspberry Pi Zero W

D: Raspberry Pi Zero

Approximately how many Raspberry Pi’s have been manufactured since 2012?

A: 33 Million
B: 35 Million
C: 37 Million
D: 39 Million

Source – Sony Pencoed

GW8SZL (19-06-2022)