Welcome to the “ROC”
The Roc-Ham Radio Network
Rochester, New York

Join us on the ROC-HAM RADIO NETWORK for a pop up net celebrating NATIONAL PI DAY
March 14,2025 at 4:00pm edt / 20:00 utc…where we will talk about fascinating PI facts and how they effect us today.
The ARRL special event committee has approved the special event callsign N1P for NATIONAL PI DAY…..!!!!

The Roc-Ham Radio Network
How to Connect
ECHOLINK on the *ROC-HAM* Conference Server Node 531091
ALLSTAR Nodes 2585, 47620, 47918, 531310
DMR TGIF Talk Group 2585
Extended Freedom Network DMR Talk Group 2585
Extended Freedom Network SIP Portal 2585

K3JRZ – Jeff modeling the coveted Raspberry Pi t-shirt
Check out Jeff’s YOUTUBE channel “K3JRZ” Jeff does a lot of great videos for POTA and his adventures doing PARKS ON THE AIR…Hats off to his dedication to bringing great videos, if you like the videos be sure to give them a thumbs up and subscribe, subscribe!!!

We are currently looking for volunteers to join our Net Control team for the Raspberry Pi Net. If you are a seasoned Net Control Operator or would like to give Net Control a try for the first time please get in touch. We do utilize the Netlogger Software for the Raspberry Pi Net so if you are familiar with Netlogger that would be great. If not it is not that difficult to use and full training can be given.
The Raspberry Pi Net runs for about two hours every Sunday starting at 1700 hrs Eastern Time, that is 2200 Hrs UTC.
You do not have to be based in the United States. Everybody is welcome.
If you are interested please contact John W2JLD at w2jld2@gmail.com or Dave GW8SZL at gw8szl@yahoo.co.uk

For the Raspberry Pi Net Trivia Q & A please click HERE
Welcome to the ROC-HAM Radio Network Website

This site was set up to inform, educate and most of all, a place to go to share information with what is going on with the ROC-HAM EchoLink conference. The ROC-HAM Conference just celebrated 4th year of its inception.
The ROC-HAM Conference was born out of an ideal for a place for hams to go and share info, keep up to date with special events that goes on throughout the year on the conference.
Since I’ve been licensed I’ve always wanted an EchoLink Conference, well after 5 years and many hours of hard work it paid off.
Now there is a permanent home for the “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY and HEDY LAMARR” Special events that have been going on for the last 9 years and respectively as well as the last 8 years.
The ROC-HAM Radio Network has more special events than any other system that we are aware of, as a matter of fact we will be doing a regular new special event shortly after WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY and that is INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY – April 27th. Plus we have added another special event celebrating the Special event for NEW YORK total solar eclipse on April 8th.
Save these dates for special events in APRIL :
APRIL 8TH 2024 – SOLAR ECLIPSE 2024 – Special event for NEW YORK total eclipse
Details will follow as we get closer to that date.
We have more giveaways than any other system, we have never ever asked for donations and we will continue to do what we do without a need to ask for donations as others have done.
This site is to foster the ham radio arts, bring people together, share experiences, and learn new technologies along the way. Meet some amazing people from all over the world, and most importantly, HAVE FUN ALONG THE WAY.
This website and it contents would not be possible if not for the hard work and dedication and grateful for all the guidance that I have received from my right hand man, Dave Phillips/GW8SZL. Dave has been a great teacher and his patience and dedication are without saying.
The ROC-HAM Conference is node number 531091 on the ECHOLINK system and on ALLSTAR system nodes 2585, 47620, 47918, 531310. Also on DMR TGIF Talk Group 2585.
The “ROC” has nets from 7:30am thru late in the evening, Monday – Sunday. Whatever time of day it is, you are sure to find stations from all over the world connected sharing their stories and comments.
The “ROC” is located in Rochester, NY. I’m on the southern tip of Lake Ontario, home of a famous film maker George Eastman and KODAK and of course home to Susan B. Anthony, famous for her own achievements.
There is a lot of great info on this site, and along the way it will grow with content that most hams will find useful.
Thank you for coming to the site, hope you enjoy it. If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to leave us a note.
From all of us at the “ROC”.